wasmer-near 2.4.0

High-performance WebAssembly runtime
use crate::sys::exports::{ExportError, Exportable};
use crate::sys::externals::Extern;
use crate::sys::store::Store;
use crate::sys::types::{Val, ValFuncRef};
use crate::sys::FunctionType;
use crate::sys::NativeFunc;
use crate::sys::RuntimeError;
use crate::sys::WasmerEnv;
pub use inner::{FromToNativeWasmType, HostFunction, WasmTypeList, WithEnv, WithoutEnv};

use std::cmp::max;
use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;
use wasmer_vm::{
    raise_user_trap, resume_panic, wasmer_call_trampoline, Export, ExportFunction,
    ExportFunctionMetadata, ImportInitializerFuncPtr, VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc,
    VMDynamicFunctionContext, VMFuncRef, VMFunction, VMFunctionBody, VMFunctionEnvironment,
    VMFunctionKind, VMTrampoline,

/// A WebAssembly `function` instance.
/// A function instance is the runtime representation of a function.
/// It effectively is a closure of the original function (defined in either
/// the host or the WebAssembly module) over the runtime `Instance` of its
/// originating `Module`.
/// The module instance is used to resolve references to other definitions
/// during execution of the function.
/// Spec: <https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/exec/runtime.html#function-instances>
/// # Panics
/// - Closures (functions with captured environments) are not currently supported
///   with native functions. Attempting to create a native `Function` with one will
///   result in a panic.
///   [Closures as host functions tracking issue](https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/issues/1840)
pub struct Function {
    pub(crate) store: Store,
    pub(crate) exported: ExportFunction,

impl wasmer_types::WasmValueType for Function {
    /// Write the value.
    unsafe fn write_value_to(&self, p: *mut i128) {
        let func_ref =
            Val::into_vm_funcref(&Val::FuncRef(Some(self.clone())), &self.store).unwrap();
        std::ptr::write(p as *mut VMFuncRef, func_ref);

    /// Read the value.
    // TODO(reftypes): this entire function should be cleaned up, `dyn Any` should
    // ideally be removed
    unsafe fn read_value_from(store: &dyn std::any::Any, p: *const i128) -> Self {
        let func_ref = std::ptr::read(p as *const VMFuncRef);
        let store = store.downcast_ref::<Store>().expect("Store expected in `Function::read_value_from`. If you see this error message it likely means you're using a function ref in a place we don't yet support it -- sorry about the inconvenience.");
        match Val::from_vm_funcref(func_ref, store) {
            Val::FuncRef(Some(fr)) => fr,
            // these bottom two cases indicate bugs in `wasmer-types` or elsewhere.
            // They should never be triggered, so we just panic.
            Val::FuncRef(None) => panic!("Null funcref found in `Function::read_value_from`!"),
            other => panic!("Invalid value in `Function::read_value_from`: {:?}", other),

fn build_export_function_metadata<Env>(
    env: Env,
    import_init_function_ptr: for<'a> fn(
        &'a mut Env,
        &'a crate::Instance,
    ) -> Result<(), crate::HostEnvInitError>,
) -> (*mut c_void, ExportFunctionMetadata)
    Env: Clone + Sized + 'static + Send + Sync,
    let import_init_function_ptr = Some(unsafe {
        std::mem::transmute::<_, ImportInitializerFuncPtr>(import_init_function_ptr)
    let host_env_clone_fn = |ptr: *mut c_void| -> *mut c_void {
        let env_ref: &Env = unsafe {
                .expect("`ptr` to the environment is null when cloning it")
        Box::into_raw(Box::new(env_ref.clone())) as _
    let host_env_drop_fn = |ptr: *mut c_void| {
        unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr.cast::<Env>()) };
    let env = Box::into_raw(Box::new(env)) as _;

    // # Safety
    // - All these functions work on all threads
    // - The host env is `Send`.
    let metadata = unsafe {

    (env, metadata)

impl WasmerEnv for WithoutEnv {}

impl Function {
    /// Creates a new host `Function` (dynamic) with the provided signature.
    /// If you know the signature of the host function at compile time,
    /// consider using [`Function::new_native`] for less runtime overhead.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{Function, FunctionType, Type, Store, Value};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// #
    /// let signature = FunctionType::new(vec![Type::I32, Type::I32], vec![Type::I32]);
    /// let f = Function::new(&store, &signature, |args| {
    ///     let sum = args[0].unwrap_i32() + args[1].unwrap_i32();
    ///     Ok(vec![Value::I32(sum)])
    /// });
    /// ```
    /// With constant signature:
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{Function, FunctionType, Type, Store, Value};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// #
    /// const I32_I32_TO_I32: ([Type; 2], [Type; 1]) = ([Type::I32, Type::I32], [Type::I32]);
    /// let f = Function::new(&store, I32_I32_TO_I32, |args| {
    ///     let sum = args[0].unwrap_i32() + args[1].unwrap_i32();
    ///     Ok(vec![Value::I32(sum)])
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn new<FT, F>(store: &Store, ty: FT, func: F) -> Self
        FT: Into<FunctionType>,
        F: Fn(&[Val]) -> Result<Vec<Val>, RuntimeError> + 'static + Send + Sync,
        let wrapped_func =
            move |_env: &WithoutEnv, args: &[Val]| -> Result<Vec<Val>, RuntimeError> { func(args) };
        Self::new_with_env(store, ty, WithoutEnv, wrapped_func)

    /// Creates a new host `Function` (dynamic) with the provided signature and environment.
    /// If you know the signature of the host function at compile time,
    /// consider using [`Function::new_native_with_env`] for less runtime
    /// overhead.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{Function, FunctionType, Type, Store, Value, WasmerEnv};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// #
    /// #[derive(WasmerEnv, Clone)]
    /// struct Env {
    ///   multiplier: i32,
    /// };
    /// let env = Env { multiplier: 2 };
    /// let signature = FunctionType::new(vec![Type::I32, Type::I32], vec![Type::I32]);
    /// let f = Function::new_with_env(&store, &signature, env, |env, args| {
    ///     let result = env.multiplier * (args[0].unwrap_i32() + args[1].unwrap_i32());
    ///     Ok(vec![Value::I32(result)])
    /// });
    /// ```
    /// With constant signature:
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{Function, FunctionType, Type, Store, Value, WasmerEnv};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// const I32_I32_TO_I32: ([Type; 2], [Type; 1]) = ([Type::I32, Type::I32], [Type::I32]);
    /// #[derive(WasmerEnv, Clone)]
    /// struct Env {
    ///   multiplier: i32,
    /// };
    /// let env = Env { multiplier: 2 };
    /// let f = Function::new_with_env(&store, I32_I32_TO_I32, env, |env, args| {
    ///     let result = env.multiplier * (args[0].unwrap_i32() + args[1].unwrap_i32());
    ///     Ok(vec![Value::I32(result)])
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn new_with_env<FT, F, Env>(store: &Store, ty: FT, env: Env, func: F) -> Self
        FT: Into<FunctionType>,
        F: Fn(&Env, &[Val]) -> Result<Vec<Val>, RuntimeError> + 'static + Send + Sync,
        Env: Sized + WasmerEnv + 'static,
        let ty: FunctionType = ty.into();
        let dynamic_ctx: VMDynamicFunctionContext<DynamicFunction<Env>> =
            VMDynamicFunctionContext::from_context(DynamicFunction {
                env: Box::new(env),
                func: Arc::new(func),
                store: store.clone(),
                function_type: ty.clone(),

        let import_init_function_ptr: for<'a> fn(&'a mut _, &'a _) -> Result<(), _> =
            |env: &mut VMDynamicFunctionContext<DynamicFunction<Env>>,
             instance: &crate::Instance| {
                Env::init_with_instance(&mut *env.ctx.env, instance)

        let (host_env, metadata) = build_export_function_metadata::<
        >(dynamic_ctx, import_init_function_ptr);

        // We don't yet have the address with the Wasm ABI signature.
        // The engine linker will replace the address with one pointing to a
        // generated dynamic trampoline.
        let address = std::ptr::null() as *const VMFunctionBody;
        let vmctx = VMFunctionEnvironment { host_env };
        let signature = store
            // TODO(0-copy):

        Self {
            store: store.clone(),
            exported: ExportFunction {
                metadata: Some(Arc::new(metadata)),
                vm_function: VMFunction {
                    kind: VMFunctionKind::Dynamic,
                    call_trampoline: None,
                    instance_ref: None,

    /// Creates a new host `Function` from a native function.
    /// The function signature is automatically retrieved using the
    /// Rust typing system.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{Store, Function};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// #
    /// fn sum(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    ///     a + b
    /// }
    /// let f = Function::new_native(&store, sum);
    /// ```
    pub fn new_native<F, Args, Rets, Env>(store: &Store, func: F) -> Self
        F: HostFunction<Args, Rets, WithoutEnv, Env>,
        Args: WasmTypeList,
        Rets: WasmTypeList,
        Env: Sized + 'static,
        if std::mem::size_of::<F>() != 0 {
        let function = inner::Function::<Args, Rets>::new(func);
        let address = function.address() as *const VMFunctionBody;
        let vmctx = VMFunctionEnvironment {
            host_env: std::ptr::null_mut() as *mut _,
        let signature = store
            // TODO(0-copy):

        Self {
            store: store.clone(),
            exported: ExportFunction {
                // TODO: figure out what's going on in this function: it takes an `Env`
                // param but also marks itself as not having an env
                metadata: None,
                vm_function: VMFunction {
                    kind: VMFunctionKind::Static,
                    call_trampoline: None,
                    instance_ref: None,

    /// Creates a new host `Function` from a native function and a provided environment.
    /// The function signature is automatically retrieved using the
    /// Rust typing system.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{Store, Function, WasmerEnv};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// #
    /// #[derive(WasmerEnv, Clone)]
    /// struct Env {
    ///     multiplier: i32,
    /// };
    /// let env = Env { multiplier: 2 };
    /// fn sum_and_multiply(env: &Env, a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    ///     (a + b) * env.multiplier
    /// }
    /// let f = Function::new_native_with_env(&store, env, sum_and_multiply);
    /// ```
    pub fn new_native_with_env<F, Args, Rets, Env>(store: &Store, env: Env, func: F) -> Self
        F: HostFunction<Args, Rets, WithEnv, Env>,
        Args: WasmTypeList,
        Rets: WasmTypeList,
        Env: Sized + WasmerEnv + 'static,
        if std::mem::size_of::<F>() != 0 {
        let function = inner::Function::<Args, Rets>::new(func);
        let address = function.address();

        let (host_env, metadata) =
            build_export_function_metadata::<Env>(env, Env::init_with_instance);

        let vmctx = VMFunctionEnvironment { host_env };
        let signature = store.engine().register_signature((&function.ty()).into());
        Self {
            store: store.clone(),
            exported: ExportFunction {
                metadata: Some(Arc::new(metadata)),
                vm_function: VMFunction {
                    kind: VMFunctionKind::Static,
                    call_trampoline: None,
                    instance_ref: None,

    /// Returns the [`FunctionType`] of the `Function`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{Function, Store, Type};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// #
    /// fn sum(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    ///     a + b
    /// }
    /// let f = Function::new_native(&store, sum);
    /// assert_eq!(f.ty().params(), vec![Type::I32, Type::I32]);
    /// assert_eq!(f.ty().results(), vec![Type::I32]);
    /// ```
    pub fn ty(&self) -> FunctionType {
            .expect("Could not resolve VMSharedFunctionIndex! Mixing engines?")

    /// Returns the [`Store`] where the `Function` belongs.
    pub fn store(&self) -> &Store {

    fn call_wasm(
        trampoline: VMTrampoline,
        params: &[Val],
        results: &mut [Val],
    ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
        let format_types_for_error_message = |items: &[Val]| {
                .map(|param| param.ty().to_string())
                .join(", ")
        let signature = self.ty();
        if signature.params().len() != params.len() {
            return Err(RuntimeError::new(format!(
                "Parameters of type [{}] did not match signature {}",
        if signature.results().len() != results.len() {
            return Err(RuntimeError::new(format!(
                "Results of type [{}] did not match signature {}",

        let mut values_vec = vec![0; max(params.len(), results.len())];

        // Store the argument values into `values_vec`.
        let param_tys = signature.params().iter();
        for ((arg, slot), ty) in params.iter().zip(&mut values_vec).zip(param_tys) {
            if arg.ty() != *ty {
                let param_types = format_types_for_error_message(params);
                return Err(RuntimeError::new(format!(
                    "Parameters of type [{}] did not match signature {}",
                    param_types, &signature,
            unsafe {

        // Call the trampoline.
        if let Err(error) = unsafe {
                values_vec.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
        } {
            return Err(RuntimeError::from_trap(error));

        // Load the return values out of `values_vec`.
        for (index, &value_type) in signature.results().iter().enumerate() {
            unsafe {
                let ptr = values_vec.as_ptr().add(index);
                results[index] = Val::read_value_from(&self.store, ptr, value_type);


    /// Returns the number of parameters that this function takes.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{Function, Store, Type};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// #
    /// fn sum(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    ///     a + b
    /// }
    /// let f = Function::new_native(&store, sum);
    /// assert_eq!(f.param_arity(), 2);
    /// ```
    pub fn param_arity(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the number of results this function produces.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{Function, Store, Type};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// #
    /// fn sum(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    ///     a + b
    /// }
    /// let f = Function::new_native(&store, sum);
    /// assert_eq!(f.result_arity(), 1);
    /// ```
    pub fn result_arity(&self) -> usize {

    /// Call the `Function` function.
    /// Depending on where the Function is defined, it will call it.
    /// 1. If the function is defined inside a WebAssembly, it will call the trampoline
    ///    for the function signature.
    /// 2. If the function is defined in the host (in a native way), it will
    ///    call the trampoline.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{imports, wat2wasm, Function, Instance, Module, Store, Type, Value};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// # let wasm_bytes = wat2wasm(r#"
    /// # (module
    /// #   (func (export "sum") (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (result i32)
    /// #     local.get $x
    /// #     local.get $y
    /// #     i32.add
    /// #   ))
    /// # "#.as_bytes()).unwrap();
    /// # let module = Module::new(&store, wasm_bytes).unwrap();
    /// # let import_object = imports! {};
    /// # let instance = Instance::new(&module, &import_object).unwrap();
    /// #
    /// let sum = instance.lookup_function("sum").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(sum.call(&[Value::I32(1), Value::I32(2)]).unwrap().to_vec(), vec![Value::I32(3)]);
    /// ```
    pub fn call(&self, params: &[Val]) -> Result<Box<[Val]>, RuntimeError> {
        // If it's a function defined in the Wasm, it will always have a call_trampoline
        if let Some(trampoline) = self.exported.vm_function.call_trampoline {
            let mut results = vec![Val::null(); self.result_arity()];
            self.call_wasm(trampoline, params, &mut results)?;
            return Ok(results.into_boxed_slice());

        // If it's a function defined in the host
        match self.exported.vm_function.kind {
            VMFunctionKind::Dynamic => unsafe {
                type VMContextWithEnv = VMDynamicFunctionContext<DynamicFunction<std::ffi::c_void>>;
                let ctx = self.exported.vm_function.vmctx.host_env as *mut VMContextWithEnv;
            VMFunctionKind::Static => {
                    "Native function definitions can't be directly called from the host yet"

    pub(crate) fn from_vm_export(store: &Store, wasmer_export: ExportFunction) -> Self {
        Self {
            store: store.clone(),
            exported: wasmer_export,

    pub(crate) fn vm_funcref(&self) -> VMFuncRef {
        let engine = self.store.engine();
        engine.register_function_metadata(VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc {
            func_ptr: self.exported.vm_function.address,
            type_index: self.exported.vm_function.signature,
            vmctx: self.exported.vm_function.vmctx,

    /// Transform this WebAssembly function into a function with the
    /// native ABI. See [`NativeFunc`] to learn more.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use wasmer::{imports, wat2wasm, Function, Instance, Module, Store, Type, Value};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// # let wasm_bytes = wat2wasm(r#"
    /// # (module
    /// #   (func (export "sum") (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (result i32)
    /// #     local.get $x
    /// #     local.get $y
    /// #     i32.add
    /// #   ))
    /// # "#.as_bytes()).unwrap();
    /// # let module = Module::new(&store, wasm_bytes).unwrap();
    /// # let import_object = imports! {};
    /// # let instance = Instance::new(&module, &import_object).unwrap();
    /// #
    /// let sum = instance.lookup_function("sum").unwrap();
    /// let sum_native = sum.native::<(i32, i32), i32>().unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(sum_native.call(1, 2).unwrap(), 3);
    /// ```
    /// # Errors
    /// If the `Args` generic parameter does not match the exported function
    /// an error will be raised:
    /// ```should_panic
    /// # use wasmer::{imports, wat2wasm, Function, Instance, Module, Store, Type, Value};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// # let wasm_bytes = wat2wasm(r#"
    /// # (module
    /// #   (func (export "sum") (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (result i32)
    /// #     local.get $x
    /// #     local.get $y
    /// #     i32.add
    /// #   ))
    /// # "#.as_bytes()).unwrap();
    /// # let module = Module::new(&store, wasm_bytes).unwrap();
    /// # let import_object = imports! {};
    /// # let instance = Instance::new(&module, &import_object).unwrap();
    /// #
    /// let sum = instance.lookup_function("sum").unwrap();
    /// // This results in an error: `RuntimeError`
    /// let sum_native = sum.native::<(i64, i64), i32>().unwrap();
    /// ```
    /// If the `Rets` generic parameter does not match the exported function
    /// an error will be raised:
    /// ```should_panic
    /// # use wasmer::{imports, wat2wasm, Function, Instance, Module, Store, Type, Value};
    /// # let store = Store::default();
    /// # let wasm_bytes = wat2wasm(r#"
    /// # (module
    /// #   (func (export "sum") (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (result i32)
    /// #     local.get $x
    /// #     local.get $y
    /// #     i32.add
    /// #   ))
    /// # "#.as_bytes()).unwrap();
    /// # let module = Module::new(&store, wasm_bytes).unwrap();
    /// # let import_object = imports! {};
    /// # let instance = Instance::new(&module, &import_object).unwrap();
    /// #
    /// let sum = instance.lookup_function("sum").unwrap();
    /// // This results in an error: `RuntimeError`
    /// let sum_native = sum.native::<(i32, i32), i64>().unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn native<Args, Rets>(&self) -> Result<NativeFunc<Args, Rets>, RuntimeError>
        Args: WasmTypeList,
        Rets: WasmTypeList,
        let engine = self.store().engine();
        let signature = engine
            .expect("Could not resolve VMSharedSignatureIndex! Wrong engine?");
        // type check
        let expected = signature.params();
        let given = Args::wasm_types();
        if expected != given {
            return Err(RuntimeError::new(format!(
                "types (`{:?}`) for the function arguments don't match the actual types (`{:?}`)",
                given, expected,
        let expected = signature.results();
        let given = Rets::wasm_types();
        if expected != given {
            // todo: error result types don't match
            return Err(RuntimeError::new(format!(
                "types (`{:?}`) for the function results don't match the actual types (`{:?}`)",
                given, expected,

        Ok(NativeFunc::new(self.store.clone(), self.exported.clone()))

    fn closures_unsupported_panic() -> ! {
        unimplemented!("Closures (functions with captured environments) are currently unsupported with native functions. See: https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/issues/1840")

    /// Get access to the backing VM value for this extern. This function is for
    /// tests it should not be called by users of the Wasmer API.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function is unsafe to call outside of tests for the wasmer crate
    /// because there is no stability guarantee for the returned type and we may
    /// make breaking changes to it at any time or remove this method.
    pub unsafe fn get_vm_function(&self) -> &VMFunction {

impl<'a> Exportable<'a> for Function {
    fn to_export(&self) -> Export {

    fn get_self_from_extern(_extern: Extern) -> Result<Self, ExportError> {
        match _extern {
            Extern::Function(func) => Ok(func),
            _ => Err(ExportError::IncompatibleType),

    fn into_weak_instance_ref(&mut self) {
            .map(|v| *v = v.downgrade());

impl Clone for Function {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        let mut exported = self.exported.clone();

        Self {
            store: self.store.clone(),

impl fmt::Debug for Function {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("ty", &self.ty())

/// This trait is one that all dynamic functions must fulfill.
pub(crate) trait VMDynamicFunction: Send + Sync {
    fn call(&self, args: &[Val]) -> Result<Vec<Val>, RuntimeError>;
    fn function_type(&self) -> &FunctionType;
    fn store(&self) -> &Store;

pub(crate) struct DynamicFunction<Env>
    Env: Sized + 'static + Send + Sync,
    function_type: FunctionType,
    func: Arc<dyn Fn(&Env, &[Val]) -> Result<Vec<Val>, RuntimeError> + 'static + Send + Sync>,
    store: Store,
    env: Box<Env>,

impl<Env: Sized + Clone + 'static + Send + Sync> Clone for DynamicFunction<Env> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            env: self.env.clone(),
            function_type: self.function_type.clone(),
            store: self.store.clone(),
            func: self.func.clone(),

impl<Env> VMDynamicFunction for DynamicFunction<Env>
    Env: Sized + 'static + Send + Sync,
    fn call(&self, args: &[Val]) -> Result<Vec<Val>, RuntimeError> {
        (*self.func)(&*self.env, &args)
    fn function_type(&self) -> &FunctionType {
    fn store(&self) -> &Store {

trait VMDynamicFunctionCall<T: VMDynamicFunction> {
    fn from_context(ctx: T) -> Self;
    fn address_ptr() -> *const VMFunctionBody;
    unsafe fn func_wrapper(&self, values_vec: *mut i128);

impl<T: VMDynamicFunction> VMDynamicFunctionCall<T> for VMDynamicFunctionContext<T> {
    fn from_context(ctx: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            address: Self::address_ptr(),

    fn address_ptr() -> *const VMFunctionBody {
        Self::func_wrapper as *const () as *const VMFunctionBody

    // This function wraps our func, to make it compatible with the
    // reverse trampoline signature
    unsafe fn func_wrapper(
        // Note: we use the trick that the first param to this function is the `VMDynamicFunctionContext`
        // itself, so rather than doing `dynamic_ctx: &VMDynamicFunctionContext<T>`, we simplify it a bit
        values_vec: *mut i128,
    ) {
        use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe};
        let result = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
            let func_ty = self.ctx.function_type();
            let mut args = Vec::with_capacity(func_ty.params().len());
            let store = self.ctx.store();
            for (i, ty) in func_ty.params().iter().enumerate() {
                args.push(Val::read_value_from(store, values_vec.add(i), *ty));
            let returns = self.ctx.call(&args)?;

            // We need to dynamically check that the returns
            // match the expected types, as well as expected length.
            let return_types = returns.iter().map(|ret| ret.ty()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
            if return_types != func_ty.results() {
                return Err(RuntimeError::new(format!(
                    "Dynamic function returned wrong signature. Expected {:?} but got {:?}",
            for (i, ret) in returns.iter().enumerate() {
        })); // We get extern ref drops at the end of this block that we don't need.
             // By preventing extern ref incs in the code above we can save the work of
             // incrementing and decrementing. However the logic as-is is correct.

        match result {
            Ok(Ok(())) => {}
            Ok(Err(trap)) => raise_user_trap(Box::new(trap)),
            Err(panic) => resume_panic(panic),

/// This private inner module contains the low-level implementation
/// for `Function` and its siblings.
mod inner {
    use std::array::TryFromSliceError;
    use std::convert::{Infallible, TryInto};
    use std::error::Error;
    use std::marker::PhantomData;
    use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe};

    #[cfg(feature = "experimental-reference-types-extern-ref")]
    pub use wasmer_types::{ExternRef, VMExternRef};
    use wasmer_types::{FunctionType, NativeWasmType, Type};
    use wasmer_vm::{raise_user_trap, resume_panic, VMFunctionBody};

    /// A trait to convert a Rust value to a `WasmNativeType` value,
    /// or to convert `WasmNativeType` value to a Rust value.
    /// This trait should ideally be split into two traits:
    /// `FromNativeWasmType` and `ToNativeWasmType` but it creates a
    /// non-negligible complexity in the `WasmTypeList`
    /// implementation.
    pub unsafe trait FromToNativeWasmType
        Self: Sized,
        /// Native Wasm type.
        type Native: NativeWasmType;

        /// Convert a value of kind `Self::Native` to `Self`.
        /// # Panics
        /// This method panics if `native` cannot fit in the `Self`
        /// type`.
        fn from_native(native: Self::Native) -> Self;

        /// Convert self to `Self::Native`.
        /// # Panics
        /// This method panics if `self` cannot fit in the
        /// `Self::Native` type.
        fn to_native(self) -> Self::Native;

    macro_rules! from_to_native_wasm_type {
        ( $( $type:ty => $native_type:ty ),* ) => {
                unsafe impl FromToNativeWasmType for $type {
                    type Native = $native_type;

                    fn from_native(native: Self::Native) -> Self {
                        native as Self

                    fn to_native(self) -> Self::Native {
                        self as Self::Native

    macro_rules! from_to_native_wasm_type_same_size {
        ( $( $type:ty => $native_type:ty ),* ) => {
                unsafe impl FromToNativeWasmType for $type {
                    type Native = $native_type;

                    fn from_native(native: Self::Native) -> Self {

                    fn to_native(self) -> Self::Native {

        i8 => i32,
        u8 => i32,
        i16 => i32,
        u16 => i32

        i32 => i32,
        u32 => i32,
        i64 => i64,
        u64 => i64,
        f32 => f32,
        f64 => f64

    #[cfg(feature = "experimental-reference-types-extern-ref")]
    unsafe impl FromToNativeWasmType for ExternRef {
        type Native = VMExternRef;

        fn to_native(self) -> Self::Native {
        fn from_native(n: Self::Native) -> Self {

    mod test_from_to_native_wasm_type {
        use super::*;

        fn test_to_native() {
            assert_eq!(7i8.to_native(), 7i32);
            assert_eq!(7u8.to_native(), 7i32);
            assert_eq!(7i16.to_native(), 7i32);
            assert_eq!(7u16.to_native(), 7i32);
            assert_eq!(u32::MAX.to_native(), -1);

        fn test_to_native_same_size() {
            assert_eq!(7i32.to_native(), 7i32);
            assert_eq!(7u32.to_native(), 7i32);
            assert_eq!(7i64.to_native(), 7i64);
            assert_eq!(7u64.to_native(), 7i64);
            assert_eq!(7f32.to_native(), 7f32);
            assert_eq!(7f64.to_native(), 7f64);

    /// The `WasmTypeList` trait represents a tuple (list) of Wasm
    /// typed values. It is used to get low-level representation of
    /// such a tuple.
    pub trait WasmTypeList
        Self: Sized,
        /// The C type (a struct) that can hold/represent all the
        /// represented values.
        type CStruct;

        /// The array type that can hold all the represented values.
        /// Note that all values are stored in their binary form.
        type Array: AsMut<[i128]>;

        /// Constructs `Self` based on an array of values.
        fn from_array(array: Self::Array) -> Self;

        /// Constructs `Self` based on a slice of values.
        /// `from_slice` returns a `Result` because it is possible
        /// that the slice doesn't have the same size than
        /// `Self::Array`, in which circumstance an error of kind
        /// `TryFromSliceError` will be returned.
        fn from_slice(slice: &[i128]) -> Result<Self, TryFromSliceError>;

        /// Builds and returns an array of type `Array` from a tuple
        /// (list) of values.
        fn into_array(self) -> Self::Array;

        /// Allocates and return an empty array of type `Array` that
        /// will hold a tuple (list) of values, usually to hold the
        /// returned values of a WebAssembly function call.
        fn empty_array() -> Self::Array;

        /// Builds a tuple (list) of values from a C struct of type
        /// `CStruct`.
        fn from_c_struct(c_struct: Self::CStruct) -> Self;

        /// Builds and returns a C struct of type `CStruct` from a
        /// tuple (list) of values.
        fn into_c_struct(self) -> Self::CStruct;

        /// Get the Wasm types for the tuple (list) of currently
        /// represented values.
        fn wasm_types() -> &'static [Type];

    /// The `IntoResult` trait turns a `WasmTypeList` into a
    /// `Result<WasmTypeList, Self::Error>`.
    /// It is mostly used to turn result values of a Wasm function
    /// call into a `Result`.
    pub trait IntoResult<T>
        T: WasmTypeList,
        /// The error type for this trait.
        type Error: Error + Sync + Send + 'static;

        /// Transforms `Self` into a `Result`.
        fn into_result(self) -> Result<T, Self::Error>;

    impl<T> IntoResult<T> for T
        T: WasmTypeList,
        // `T` is not a `Result`, it's already a value, so no error
        // can be built.
        type Error = Infallible;

        fn into_result(self) -> Result<Self, Infallible> {

    impl<T, E> IntoResult<T> for Result<T, E>
        T: WasmTypeList,
        E: Error + Sync + Send + 'static,
        type Error = E;

        fn into_result(self) -> Self {

    mod test_into_result {
        use super::*;
        use std::convert::Infallible;

        fn test_into_result_over_t() {
            let x: i32 = 42;
            let result_of_x: Result<i32, Infallible> = x.into_result();

            assert_eq!(result_of_x.unwrap(), x);

        fn test_into_result_over_result() {
                let x: Result<i32, Infallible> = Ok(42);
                let result_of_x: Result<i32, Infallible> = x.into_result();

                assert_eq!(result_of_x, x);

                use std::{error, fmt};

                #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
                struct E;

                impl fmt::Display for E {
                    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
                        write!(formatter, "E")

                impl error::Error for E {}

                let x: Result<Infallible, E> = Err(E);
                let result_of_x: Result<Infallible, E> = x.into_result();

                assert_eq!(result_of_x.unwrap_err(), E);

    /// The `HostFunction` trait represents the set of functions that
    /// can be used as host function. To uphold this statement, it is
    /// necessary for a function to be transformed into a pointer to
    /// `VMFunctionBody`.
    pub trait HostFunction<Args, Rets, Kind, T>
        Args: WasmTypeList,
        Rets: WasmTypeList,
        Kind: HostFunctionKind,
        T: Sized,
        Self: Sized,
        /// Get the pointer to the function body.
        fn function_body_ptr(self) -> *const VMFunctionBody;

    /// Empty trait to specify the kind of `HostFunction`: With or
    /// without an environment.
    /// This trait is never aimed to be used by a user. It is used by
    /// the trait system to automatically generate the appropriate
    /// host functions.
    pub trait HostFunctionKind {}

    /// An empty struct to help Rust typing to determine
    /// when a `HostFunction` does have an environment.
    pub struct WithEnv;

    impl HostFunctionKind for WithEnv {}

    /// An empty struct to help Rust typing to determine
    /// when a `HostFunction` does not have an environment.
    pub struct WithoutEnv;

    impl HostFunctionKind for WithoutEnv {}

    /// Represents a low-level Wasm static host function. See
    /// `super::Function::new` and `super::Function::new_env` to learn
    /// more.
    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub struct Function<Args = (), Rets = ()> {
        address: *const VMFunctionBody,
        _phantom: PhantomData<(Args, Rets)>,

    unsafe impl<Args, Rets> Send for Function<Args, Rets> {}

    impl<Args, Rets> Function<Args, Rets>
        Args: WasmTypeList,
        Rets: WasmTypeList,
        /// Creates a new `Function`.
        pub fn new<F, T, E>(function: F) -> Self
            F: HostFunction<Args, Rets, T, E>,
            T: HostFunctionKind,
            E: Sized,
            Self {
                address: function.function_body_ptr(),
                _phantom: PhantomData,

        /// Get the function type of this `Function`.
        pub fn ty(&self) -> FunctionType {
            FunctionType::new(Args::wasm_types(), Rets::wasm_types())

        /// Get the address of this `Function`.
        pub fn address(&self) -> *const VMFunctionBody {

    macro_rules! impl_host_function {
        ( [$c_struct_representation:ident]
           $( $x:ident ),* ) => {

            /// A structure with a C-compatible representation that can hold a set of Wasm values.
            /// This type is used by `WasmTypeList::CStruct`.
            pub struct $c_struct_name< $( $x ),* > ( $( <$x as FromToNativeWasmType>::Native ),* )
                $( $x: FromToNativeWasmType ),*;

            // Implement `WasmTypeList` for a specific tuple.
            #[allow(unused_parens, dead_code)]
            impl< $( $x ),* >
                ( $( $x ),* )
                $( $x: FromToNativeWasmType ),*
                type CStruct = $c_struct_name< $( $x ),* >;

                type Array = [i128; count_idents!( $( $x ),* )];

                fn from_array(array: Self::Array) -> Self {
                    // Unpack items of the array.
                    let [ $( $x ),* ] = array;

                    // Build the tuple.

                fn from_slice(slice: &[i128]) -> Result<Self, TryFromSliceError> {

                fn into_array(self) -> Self::Array {
                    // Unpack items of the tuple.
                    let ( $( $x ),* ) = self;

                    // Build the array.

                fn empty_array() -> Self::Array {
                    // Build an array initialized with `0`.
                    [0; count_idents!( $( $x ),* )]

                fn from_c_struct(c_struct: Self::CStruct) -> Self {
                    // Unpack items of the C structure.
                    let $c_struct_name( $( $x ),* ) = c_struct;


                #[allow(unused_parens, non_snake_case)]
                fn into_c_struct(self) -> Self::CStruct {
                    // Unpack items of the tuple.
                    let ( $( $x ),* ) = self;

                    // Build the C structure.

                fn wasm_types() -> &'static [Type] {

            // Implement `HostFunction` for a function that has the same arity than the tuple.
            // This specific function has no environment.
            impl< $( $x, )* Rets, RetsAsResult, Func >
                HostFunction<( $( $x ),* ), Rets, WithoutEnv, ()>
                $( $x: FromToNativeWasmType, )*
                Rets: WasmTypeList,
                RetsAsResult: IntoResult<Rets>,
                Func: Fn($( $x , )*) -> RetsAsResult + 'static + Send,
                fn function_body_ptr(self) -> *const VMFunctionBody {
                    /// This is a function that wraps the real host
                    /// function. Its address will be used inside the
                    /// runtime.
                    extern fn func_wrapper<$( $x, )* Rets, RetsAsResult, Func>( _: usize, $( $x: $x::Native, )* ) -> Rets::CStruct
                        $( $x: FromToNativeWasmType, )*
                        Rets: WasmTypeList,
                        RetsAsResult: IntoResult<Rets>,
                        Func: Fn( $( $x ),* ) -> RetsAsResult + 'static
                        let func: &Func = unsafe { &*(&() as *const () as *const Func) };
                        let result = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
                            func( $( FromToNativeWasmType::from_native($x) ),* ).into_result()

                        match result {
                            Ok(Ok(result)) => return result.into_c_struct(),
                            Ok(Err(trap)) => unsafe { raise_user_trap(Box::new(trap)) },
                            Err(panic) => unsafe { resume_panic(panic) },

                    func_wrapper::< $( $x, )* Rets, RetsAsResult, Self > as *const VMFunctionBody

            // Implement `HostFunction` for a function that has the same arity than the tuple.
            // This specific function has an environment.
            impl< $( $x, )* Rets, RetsAsResult, Env, Func >
                HostFunction<( $( $x ),* ), Rets, WithEnv, Env>
                $( $x: FromToNativeWasmType, )*
                Rets: WasmTypeList,
                RetsAsResult: IntoResult<Rets>,
                Env: Sized,
                Func: Fn(&Env, $( $x , )*) -> RetsAsResult + Send + 'static,
                fn function_body_ptr(self) -> *const VMFunctionBody {
                    /// This is a function that wraps the real host
                    /// function. Its address will be used inside the
                    /// runtime.
                    extern fn func_wrapper<$( $x, )* Rets, RetsAsResult, Env, Func>( env: &Env, $( $x: $x::Native, )* ) -> Rets::CStruct
                        $( $x: FromToNativeWasmType, )*
                        Rets: WasmTypeList,
                        RetsAsResult: IntoResult<Rets>,
                        Env: Sized,
                        Func: Fn(&Env, $( $x ),* ) -> RetsAsResult + 'static
                        let func: &Func = unsafe { &*(&() as *const () as *const Func) };

                        let result = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
                            func(env, $( FromToNativeWasmType::from_native($x) ),* ).into_result()

                        match result {
                            Ok(Ok(result)) => return result.into_c_struct(),
                            Ok(Err(trap)) => unsafe { raise_user_trap(Box::new(trap)) },
                            Err(panic) => unsafe { resume_panic(panic) },

                    func_wrapper::< $( $x, )* Rets, RetsAsResult, Env, Self > as *const VMFunctionBody

    // Black-magic to count the number of identifiers at compile-time.
    macro_rules! count_idents {
        ( $($idents:ident),* ) => {
                #[allow(dead_code, non_camel_case_types)]
                enum Idents { $( $idents, )* __CountIdentsLast }
                const COUNT: usize = Idents::__CountIdentsLast as usize;

    // Here we go! Let's generate all the C struct, `WasmTypeList`
    // implementations and `HostFunction` implementations.
    impl_host_function!([C] S0,);
    impl_host_function!([transparent] S1, A1);
    impl_host_function!([C] S2, A1, A2);
    impl_host_function!([C] S3, A1, A2, A3);
    impl_host_function!([C] S4, A1, A2, A3, A4);
    impl_host_function!([C] S5, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5);
    impl_host_function!([C] S6, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6);
    impl_host_function!([C] S7, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7);
    impl_host_function!([C] S8, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8);
    impl_host_function!([C] S9, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9);
    impl_host_function!([C] S10, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10);
    impl_host_function!([C] S11, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11);
    impl_host_function!([C] S12, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12);
    impl_host_function!([C] S13, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13);
    impl_host_function!([C] S14, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14);
    impl_host_function!([C] S15, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15);
    impl_host_function!([C] S16, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16);
    impl_host_function!([C] S17, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17);
    impl_host_function!([C] S18, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18);
    impl_host_function!([C] S19, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19);
    impl_host_function!([C] S20, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20);
    impl_host_function!([C] S21, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21);
    impl_host_function!([C] S22, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22);
    impl_host_function!([C] S23, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23);
    impl_host_function!([C] S24, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24);
    impl_host_function!([C] S25, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25);
    impl_host_function!([C] S26, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25, A26);

    // Implement `WasmTypeList` on `Infallible`, which means that
    // `Infallible` can be used as a returned type of a host function
    // to express that it doesn't return, or to express that it cannot
    // fail (with `Result<_, Infallible>`).
    impl WasmTypeList for Infallible {
        type CStruct = Self;
        type Array = [i128; 0];

        fn from_array(_: Self::Array) -> Self {

        fn from_slice(_: &[i128]) -> Result<Self, TryFromSliceError> {

        fn into_array(self) -> Self::Array {

        fn empty_array() -> Self::Array {

        fn from_c_struct(_: Self::CStruct) -> Self {

        fn into_c_struct(self) -> Self::CStruct {

        fn wasm_types() -> &'static [Type] {

    mod test_wasm_type_list {
        use super::*;
        use wasmer_types::Type;

        fn test_from_array() {
            assert_eq!(<()>::from_array([]), ());
            assert_eq!(<i32>::from_array([1]), (1i32));
            assert_eq!(<(i32, i64)>::from_array([1, 2]), (1i32, 2i64));
                <(i32, i64, f32, f64)>::from_array([
                (1, 2, 3.1f32, 4.2f64)

        fn test_into_array() {
            assert_eq!(().into_array(), [0i128; 0]);
            assert_eq!((1).into_array(), [1]);
            assert_eq!((1i32, 2i64).into_array(), [1, 2]);
                (1i32, 2i32, 3.1f32, 4.2f64).into_array(),
                [1, 2, (3.1f32).to_bits().into(), (4.2f64).to_bits().into()]

        fn test_empty_array() {
            assert_eq!(<()>::empty_array().len(), 0);
            assert_eq!(<i32>::empty_array().len(), 1);
            assert_eq!(<(i32, i64)>::empty_array().len(), 2);

        fn test_from_c_struct() {
            assert_eq!(<()>::from_c_struct(S0()), ());
            assert_eq!(<i32>::from_c_struct(S1(1)), (1i32));
            assert_eq!(<(i32, i64)>::from_c_struct(S2(1, 2)), (1i32, 2i64));
                <(i32, i64, f32, f64)>::from_c_struct(S4(1, 2, 3.1, 4.2)),
                (1i32, 2i64, 3.1f32, 4.2f64)

        fn test_wasm_types_for_uni_values() {
            assert_eq!(<i32>::wasm_types(), [Type::I32]);
            assert_eq!(<i64>::wasm_types(), [Type::I64]);
            assert_eq!(<f32>::wasm_types(), [Type::F32]);
            assert_eq!(<f64>::wasm_types(), [Type::F64]);

        fn test_wasm_types_for_multi_values() {
            assert_eq!(<(i32, i32)>::wasm_types(), [Type::I32, Type::I32]);
            assert_eq!(<(i64, i64)>::wasm_types(), [Type::I64, Type::I64]);
            assert_eq!(<(f32, f32)>::wasm_types(), [Type::F32, Type::F32]);
            assert_eq!(<(f64, f64)>::wasm_types(), [Type::F64, Type::F64]);

                <(i32, i64, f32, f64)>::wasm_types(),
                [Type::I32, Type::I64, Type::F32, Type::F64]

    mod test_function {
        use super::*;
        use wasmer_types::Type;

        fn func() {}
        fn func__i32() -> i32 {
        fn func_i32(_a: i32) {}
        fn func_i32__i32(a: i32) -> i32 {
            a * 2
        fn func_i32_i32__i32(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
            a + b
        fn func_i32_i32__i32_i32(a: i32, b: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
            (a, b)
        fn func_f32_i32__i32_f32(a: f32, b: i32) -> (i32, f32) {
            (b, a)

        fn test_function_types() {
            assert_eq!(Function::new(func).ty(), FunctionType::new(vec![], vec![]));
                FunctionType::new(vec![], vec![Type::I32])
                FunctionType::new(vec![Type::I32], vec![])
                FunctionType::new(vec![Type::I32], vec![Type::I32])
                FunctionType::new(vec![Type::I32, Type::I32], vec![Type::I32])
                FunctionType::new(vec![Type::I32, Type::I32], vec![Type::I32, Type::I32])
                FunctionType::new(vec![Type::F32, Type::I32], vec![Type::I32, Type::F32])

        fn test_function_pointer() {
            let f = Function::new(func_i32__i32);
            let function = unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<_, fn(usize, i32) -> i32>(f.address) };
            assert_eq!(function(0, 3), 6);