wasmer-engine-universal-near 2.4.0

Wasmer Universal Engine
// This file contains code from external sources.
// Attributions: https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/blob/master/ATTRIBUTIONS.md

//! Module for System V ABI unwind registry.

use wasmer_compiler::CompiledFunctionUnwindInfoRef;

/// Represents a registry of function unwind information for System V ABI.
pub struct UnwindRegistry {
    registrations: Vec<usize>,
    published: bool,

extern "C" {
    // libunwind import
    fn __register_frame(fde: *const u8);
    fn __deregister_frame(fde: *const u8);

impl UnwindRegistry {
    /// Creates a new unwind registry with the given base address.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            registrations: Vec::new(),
            published: false,

    /// Registers a function given the start offset, length, and unwind information.
    pub fn register(
        &mut self,
        _base_address: usize,
        _func_start: u32,
        _func_len: u32,
        info: CompiledFunctionUnwindInfoRef<'_>,
    ) -> Result<(), String> {
        match info {
            CompiledFunctionUnwindInfoRef::Dwarf => {}
            _ => return Err("unsupported unwind information".to_string()),

    /// Publishes all registered functions.
    pub fn publish(&mut self, eh_frame: &[u8]) -> Result<(), String> {
        if self.published {
            return Err("unwind registry has already been published".to_string());

        unsafe {

        self.published = true;


    unsafe fn register_frames(&mut self, eh_frame: &[u8]) {
        if cfg!(all(target_os = "linux", target_env = "gnu")) {
            // Registering an empty `eh_frame` (i.e. which
            // contains empty FDEs) cause problems on Linux when
            // deregistering it. We must avoid this
            // scenario. Usually, this is handled upstream by the
            // compilers.
                &[0, 0, 0, 0],
                "`eh_frame` seems to contain empty FDEs"

            // On gnu (libgcc), `__register_frame` will walk the FDEs until an entry of length 0
            let ptr = eh_frame.as_ptr();
            self.registrations.push(ptr as usize);
        } else {
            // For libunwind, `__register_frame` takes a pointer to a single FDE
            let start = eh_frame.as_ptr();
            let end = start.add(eh_frame.len());
            let mut current = start;

            // Walk all of the entries in the frame table and register them
            while current < end {
                let len = std::ptr::read::<u32>(current as *const u32) as usize;

                // Skip over the CIE and zero-length FDEs.
                // LLVM's libunwind emits a warning on zero-length FDEs.
                if current != start && len != 0 {
                    self.registrations.push(current as usize);

                // Move to the next table entry (+4 because the length itself is not inclusive)
                current = current.add(len + 4);

impl Drop for UnwindRegistry {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.published {
            unsafe {
                // libgcc stores the frame entries as a linked list in decreasing sort order
                // based on the PC value of the registered entry.
                // As we store the registrations in increasing order, it would be O(N^2) to
                // deregister in that order.
                // To ensure that we just pop off the first element in the list upon every
                // deregistration, walk our list of registrations backwards.
                for fde in self.registrations.iter().rev() {
                    __deregister_frame(*fde as *const _);