wasmer-c-api 3.2.0-alpha.1

Wasmer C API library
//! Utilities to read errors.
//! Only one error can be registered at a time. Error are registered
//! by Rust only, and are usually read by C or C++.
//! Reading an error from C or C++ happens in 2 steps: Getting the
//! error's length with [`wasmer_last_error_length`], and then reading
//! the actual error with [`wasmer_last_error_message`].
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! # use wasmer_inline_c::assert_c;
//! # fn main() {
//! #    (assert_c! {
//! # #include "tests/wasmer.h"
//! #
//! int main() {
//!     // Create an invalid WebAssembly module from a WAT definition,
//!     // it will generate an error!
//!     wasm_byte_vec_t wat;
//!     wasmer_byte_vec_new_from_string(&wat, "(foobar)");
//!     wasm_byte_vec_t wasm;
//!     wat2wasm(&wat, &wasm);
//!     int error_length = wasmer_last_error_length();
//!     // There is an error!
//!     assert(error_length > 0);
//!     char *error_message = malloc(error_length);
//!     wasmer_last_error_message(error_message, error_length);
//!     printf("Error message: %s\n", error_message);
//!     // Side note: The error has now been cleared on the Rust side!
//!     assert(wasmer_last_error_length() == 0);
//!     // Free everything.
//!     free(error_message);
//!     wasm_byte_vec_delete(&wasm);
//!     wasm_byte_vec_delete(&wat);
//!     return 0;
//! }
//! #    })
//! #    .success();
//! # }
//! ```

use libc::{c_char, c_int};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
use std::slice;

thread_local! {
    static LAST_ERROR: RefCell<Option<String>> = RefCell::new(None);

/// Rust function to register a new error.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use wasmer::error::update_last_error;
/// update_last_error("Hello, World!");
/// ```
pub fn update_last_error<E: Display>(err: E) {
    LAST_ERROR.with(|prev| {
        *prev.borrow_mut() = Some(err.to_string());

/// Retrieve the most recent error, clearing it in the process.
pub(crate) fn take_last_error() -> Option<String> {
    LAST_ERROR.with(|prev| prev.borrow_mut().take())

/// Gets the length in bytes of the last error if any, zero otherwise. This
/// includes th NUL terminator byte.
/// This can be used to dynamically allocate a buffer with the correct number of
/// bytes needed to store a message.
/// # Example
/// See this module's documentation to get a complete example.
// TODO(Amanieu): This should use size_t
pub extern "C" fn wasmer_last_error_length() -> c_int {
    LAST_ERROR.with(|prev| match *prev.borrow() {
        Some(ref err) => err.len() as c_int + 1,
        None => 0,

/// Gets the last error message if any into the provided buffer
/// `buffer` up to the given `length`.
/// The `length` parameter must be large enough to store the last
/// error message. Ideally, the value should come from
/// [`wasmer_last_error_length`].
/// The function returns the length of the string in bytes, `-1` if an
/// error occurs. Potential errors are:
///  * The `buffer` is a null pointer,
///  * The `buffer` is too small to hold the error message.
/// Note: The error message always has a trailing NUL character.
/// Important note: If the provided `buffer` is non-null, once this
/// function has been called, regardless whether it fails or succeeds,
/// the error is cleared.
/// # Example
/// See this module's documentation to get a complete example.
// TODO(Amanieu): This should use size_t
pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_last_error_message(
    buffer: Option<NonNull<c_char>>,
    length: c_int,
) -> c_int {
    let buffer = if let Some(buffer_inner) = buffer {
    } else {
        // buffer pointer is null
        return -1;

    let error_message = match take_last_error() {
        Some(err) => err,
        None => return 0,

    let length = length as usize;

    if error_message.len() >= length {
        // buffer is too small to hold the error message
        return -1;

    let buffer = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buffer.cast::<u8>().as_ptr(), length);


    // Add a trailing null so people using the string as a `char *` don't
    // accidentally read into garbage.
    buffer[error_message.len()] = 0;

    error_message.len() as c_int + 1