wasmcov 0.1.0

A set of helpers for coverage of wasm modules


Wasmcov comprises a Rust library and an associated binary that offer a range of utilities for coverage analysis of WebAssembly (Wasm) modules. This tool empowers you to gather and scrutinize code coverage data while executing Wasm modules. Wasmcov stands out for its adaptability and seamless integration into your Wasm projects, serving as a potent instrument to elevate the standard of your Wasm applications.


Include wasmcov as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file. Tailor feature flags according to your environment:

version = "0.1"
features = ["near"]

Alternatively, install the binary directly using cargo install:

cargo install wasmcov

Coverage Data Generation

To incorporate code coverage instrumentation into your WASM binary, utilize the capture_coverage utility. This functionality streamlines LLVM instrumentation coverage for Rust projects. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Integrate the following function into your code:

unsafe extern "C" fn generate_coverage() {
    let mut coverage = vec![];
    wasmcov::capture_coverage(&mut coverage).unwrap();
    // Invoke a function (e.g., `your_custom_save_coverage_function`) to preserve the coverage data or utilize `println!` for debugging.

Automate coverage data generation

Automating coverage data generation post-execution is critical. Manually inserting calls to generate_coverage for each function is impractical. Implementation can vary depending on your platform and might pose challenges when execution encounters failures, such as panics.

For instance, modify the function responsible for invoking WASM functions to call generate_coverage after each function call. Ensure this modification remains platform-independent.

Find examples of such implementations for different platforms here and here.

Managing coverage data in tests

After extracting the coverage data (via logs, storage, file writes, etc.), invoke wasmcov::write_profraw(coverage_data) to save it to a .profraw file. This file becomes the basis for generating a .profdata file.

Once the coverage data reaches wasmcov::write_profraw, the library handles the rest automatically.

An example flow was implemented for the NEAR protocol, passing coverage data through logs:

let mut coverage = vec![];
unsafe {
    // Note: This function isn't thread-safe! Employ a lock if necessary.
    wasmcov::capture_coverage(&mut coverage).unwrap();
let base64_string = near_sdk::base64::encode(coverage);


Then, after a function call, retrieve it using wasmcov::near::near_coverage():

let result = manager
    .call(self.id(), "function_name")


Usage (binary)

eval $(cargo wasmcov setup)

# Your build command
cargo build -p contract --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

# Locate compiled wasm files to your preferred directory using:
cargo wasmcov post_build

make external_tests

cargo wasmcov finalize

Usage (library)

In Rust code, Wasmcov is invoked in the following sequence:

wasmcov::setup(None); // Or specify the path to the wasmcov directory

// Execute your build command here (it utilizes the environment setup created by wasmcov::setup)
wasmcov::run_command("cargo build -p contract --target wasm32-unknown-unknown");

// Set up and run your tests
// Obtain compiled wasm file paths via wasmcov::post_build() > Vec<PathBuf> function
let wasm_file_paths = wasmcov::post_build();
// Copy these files to your intended location
std::fs::copy(wasm_file_paths[0], "your_new_path.wasm").unwrap(); // and so on
// Run your tests
wasmcov::run_command("your external test command");

// Perform coverage analysis


This repository is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0). Refer to LICENSE for details.


This repository is currently managed by Noah Jelich from Hacken. Please don't hesitate to reach out for any queries or concerns.


Contributions are encouraged! Employ the cargo build command to build the project. Note: during testing, deactivate parallelism by using the --test-threads=1 flag. This ensures environment variables remain unaffected by other tests.

For convenience, utilize the shorthands make build and make test for building and testing the project, respectively.