wasmcloud-interface-lattice-control 0.12.2

This library allows different types of consumers to interact with the lattice control interface over wasmcloud:latticecontrol


wasmCloud Lattice Control Interface

The lattice control interface is a smithy-defined interface contract that is expected to be consumed in one of two different ways:

  • Directly - A NATS client library may use the data structures from this interface to communicate over the lattice control interface topic
  • Indirectly - Either side of the wasmcloud:latticecontrol contract
    • Capability Providers - Capability providers can simply provide a wrapper around the NATS client, exposing lattice control functionality to actors
    • Actors - Actors can make use of this crate as they would any other wasmCloud interface crate

Capability Provider Implementations

The following is a list of implementations of the wasmcloud:latticecontrol contract. Feel free to submit a PR adding your implementation if you have a community/open source version.

Name Vendor Description
Lattice Controller wasmCloud Implementation using the wasmcloud-control-interface crate.

Example Usage (🦀 Rust)

Start 250 instances of the echo actor actor on a host

use wasmbus_rpc::actor::prelude::{Context, RpcResult};
use wasmcloud_interface_lattice_control::{
    CtlOperationAck, LatticeController, LatticeControllerSender, StartActorCommand,
use wasmcloud_interface_logging::debug;

async fn start_actor(ctx: &Context) -> RpcResult<CtlOperationAck> {
    let lattice = LatticeControllerSender::new();
    let cmd = StartActorCommand {
        actor_ref: "wasmcloud.azurecr.io/echo:0.3.4".to_string(),
        annotations: None,
        count: 250,
        host_id: "NB67YNOVU5YB3526RUNCKNZBCQDH2L5NZJKQ6FWOVWGSHNHHEO65RP4A".to_string(),

        "Starting {} instance(s) of actor {} on host {}",
        cmd.count, cmd.actor_ref, cmd.host_id

    lattice.start_actor(ctx, &cmd).await

Get all hosts in a lattice

use wasmbus_rpc::actor::prelude::{Context, RpcResult};
use wasmcloud_interface_lattice_control::{Host, LatticeController, LatticeControllerSender};
use wasmcloud_interface_logging::info;

async fn get_hosts(ctx: &Context) -> RpcResult<Vec<Host>> {
    let lattice = LatticeControllerSender::new();
    let hosts = lattice.get_hosts(ctx).await?;

    info!("There are {} hosts in this lattice", hosts.len());