wasmcloud-actor-graphdb 0.1.3

GraphDB Actor Interface for wasmCloud Actors

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wasmCloud GraphDB Actor Interface

This crate provides an abstraction over the wasmcloud:graphdb contract. This allows actors to interact with a graph database, such as RedisGraph or Neo4j.


use serde_json::json;
extern crate wapc_guest as guest;
use wasmcloud_actor_graphdb as graph;
use graph::*;
use wasmcloud_actor_http_server as http;
use wasmcloud_actor_core as actor;

use guest::prelude::*;

pub fn init() {

fn handle_http_request(_: http::Request) -> HandlerResult<http::Response> {
    // Replace `query_db` with `graph::default().query_graph()`
    let (name, birth_year): (String, u32) = query_db(
        "MATCH (r:Rider)-[:rides]->(t:Team) WHERE t.name = 'Yamaha' RETURN r.name, r.birth_year"

    assert_eq!(name, "Alice Rider".to_string());
    assert_eq!(birth_year, 1985);

    let result = json!({
        "name": name,
        "birth_year": birth_year

    Ok(http::Response::json(result, 200, "OK"))