wasmcloud-actor-eventstreams 0.2.1

Interface to the event streams contract for use by wasmCloud Actors

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wasmCloud Event Streams Actor Interface

This crate provides an abstraction over the wasmcloud:eventstreams contract. This allows actors to write immutable events to a stream, receive events from a stream, and query events from a stream.


extern crate wasmcloud_actor_core as actor;
extern crate wasmcloud_actor_eventstreams as streams;
extern crate wasmcloud_actor_http_server as http;

use wapc_guest::HandlerResult;
use streams::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn init() {

fn handle_request(_req: http::Request) -> HandlerResult<http::Response> {
   // process event, query streams, or send new events...
   let _evts_so_far = streams::default()
          stream_id: "hello_stream".to_string(),
          range: None,
          count: 0                   
   let ack = streams::default().write_event("hello_stream".to_string(),