wasmbus-rpc 0.11.2

Runtime library for actors and capability providers
//! Timestamp class - represents a Smithy Timestamp
//! Timestamp is stored as the number of non-leap seconds
//! since January 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC (aka "UNIX EPOCH")
//! and the number of nanoseconds since the last whole non-leap second.
//! For converting to and from other formats such as ISO8601/ISO3339,
//! and to/from other timezones,
//! the [chrono](https://crates.io/crate/chrono) crate is recommended.

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{
    time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH},
use time::OffsetDateTime;

/// Timestamp - represents absolute time in UTC,
/// as non-leap seconds and nanoseconds since the UNIX EPOCH
/// It is recommended to use the `new` constructor to check parameters for validity
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Timestamp {
    /// The number of non-leap seconds since UNIX EPOCH in UTC
    pub sec: i64,
    /// The number of nanoseconds since the beginning of the last whole non-leap second
    pub nsec: u32,

impl Timestamp {
    /// Constructs a timestamp, with parameter validation
    pub fn new(sec: i64, nsec: u32) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
        if sec > 0 && (sec < i64::MAX / 1_000_000_001) && nsec < 1_000_000_000 {
            Ok(Self { sec, nsec })
        } else {

    /// constructs a time stamp from the current system time UTC
    /// See [SystemTime](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/time/struct.SystemTime.html) for platform implementations
    pub fn now() -> Timestamp {

    /// Returns time in nanoseconds
    pub fn as_nanos(&self) -> u128 {
        (self.sec as u128 * 1_000_000_000) + self.nsec as u128

impl Default for Timestamp {
    /// constructs a time stamp from the current system time UTC
    /// See [SystemTime](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/time/struct.SystemTime.html) for platform implementations
    fn default() -> Timestamp {

impl Ord for Timestamp {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
        match self.sec.cmp(&other.sec) {
            Ordering::Equal => self.nsec.cmp(&other.nsec),
            ord => ord,

impl PartialOrd for Timestamp {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

/// Error returned if time valid provided is invalid
pub const INVALID_DATETIME: &str = "Invalid DateTime";

impl TryFrom<Timestamp> for OffsetDateTime {
    type Error = &'static str;

    // Returns the DateTime, or an error if the parameter is invalid.
    fn try_from(ts: Timestamp) -> Result<OffsetDateTime, Self::Error> {
            OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp(ts.sec).map_err(|_| INVALID_DATETIME)?
                + std::time::Duration::from_nanos(ts.nsec as u64),

impl From<OffsetDateTime> for Timestamp {
    /// Creates a Timestamp from chrono DateTime
    fn from(dt: OffsetDateTime) -> Timestamp {
        const NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND: i128 = 1_000_000_000;
        let nanos = dt.unix_timestamp_nanos();
        Timestamp {
            sec: (nanos / NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND) as i64,
            nsec: (nanos % NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND) as u32,

impl From<SystemTime> for Timestamp {
    /// Creates a Timestamp from rust's SystemTime
    fn from(st: SystemTime) -> Timestamp {
        let d = st
            // library code shouldn't panic, but if the system time clock
            // thinks its _before_ the epoch, the system is having worse problems than this
            .expect("system time before Unix epoch");
        Timestamp {
            sec: d.as_secs() as i64,
            nsec: d.subsec_nanos(),

impl TryInto<SystemTime> for Timestamp {
    type Error = &'static str;

    fn try_into(self) -> Result<SystemTime, Self::Error> {
        use std::time::Duration;

        let sys_now = SystemTime::now();
        let now = Self::from(sys_now).as_nanos();
        let then = self.as_nanos();
        if now >= then {
            let delta_past = now - then;
                .checked_sub(Duration::from_nanos(delta_past as u64))
        } else {
            let delta_fut = then - now; // future time
            if delta_fut > i64::MAX as u128 {
            } else {
                    .checked_add(Duration::from_nanos(delta_fut as u64))

fn timestamp_updates() {
    let now = Timestamp::now();


    let then = Timestamp::now();
    assert!(then.sec > now.sec || (then.sec == now.sec && then.nsec > now.nsec));

fn timestamp_to_datetime() {
    use time::OffsetDateTime;

    let start: Timestamp = Timestamp { sec: 2_000_000_000, nsec: 100_000 };

    let dt: OffsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime::try_from(start).unwrap();

    let next: Timestamp = dt.into();

    assert_eq!(&start.sec, &next.sec);
    assert_eq!(&start.nsec, &next.nsec);

fn timestamp_system_time() {
    // past
    let st = SystemTime::now()
        .checked_sub(std::time::Duration::from_secs(86_400 * 365 * 5))
    let t = Timestamp::from(st);
    assert_eq!(t.try_into(), Ok(st));

    // future
    let st = SystemTime::now()
        .checked_add(std::time::Duration::from_secs(86_400 * 365))
    let t = Timestamp::from(st);
    let st_check: SystemTime = t.try_into().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(st_check, st);

fn timestamp_default() {
    let t1 = Timestamp::default();
    let t2 = Timestamp::now();

    assert!(t1 <= t2);

    assert!(t1.sec > 1600000000);
    assert!(t1.sec < 3000000000);

    assert!(t2.sec > 1600000000);
    assert!(t2.sec < 3000000000);

fn timestamp_ordering() {
    // equals
    let t1 = Timestamp { sec: 100, nsec: 100 };
    let t2 = Timestamp { sec: 100, nsec: 100 };
    assert_eq!(t1, t2);

    // if sec differs, ignore nsec
    let t3 = Timestamp { sec: 99, nsec: 400 };
    assert!(t1 > t3);
    let t3 = Timestamp { sec: 101, nsec: 40 };
    assert!(t1 < t3);

    // if sec same, use nsec
    let t4 = Timestamp { sec: 100, nsec: 400 };
    assert!(t1 < t4);
    let t4 = Timestamp { sec: 100, nsec: 40 };
    assert!(t1 > t4);

    // not equals
    assert_ne!(t1, t4);