wasm-snip 0.1.0

Replace a wasm function with an `unreachable`.


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wasm-snip replaces a WebAssembly function's body with an unreachable.

Maybe you know that some function will never be called at runtime, but the compiler can't prove that at compile time? Snip it! Then run wasm-gc again and all the functions it transitively called (which could also never be called at runtime) will get removed too.

Very helpful when shrinking the size of WebAssembly binaries!

This functionality relies on the "name" section being present in the .wasm file, so build with debug symbols:

debug = true


To install the wasm-snip executable, run

$ cargo install wasm-snip

For information on using the wasm-snip executable, run

$ wasm-snip --help


To use wasm-snip as a library, add this to your Cargo.toml:

# Do not build the executable.
default-features = false

See docs.rs/wasm-snip for API documentation.


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