wasm-service 0.2.0

Base library for serverless WASM on Cloudflare Workers

Base library for serverless WASM on Cloudflare Workers.


  • Fully async
  • Request/response bodies can be text, json(serialized), or binary
  • Non-blocking structured logging
  • Deferred tasks that run after response is returned to client

Getting started

To get started with a WASM service, use

wrangler generate -t rust PROJECT \

where PROJECT is your project name.

Follow instructions in wasm-service-template

for Cloudflare setup and (optional) Coralogix logging setup


This crate takes advantage of some recent updates in the popular reqwest crate (v0.10.9) that make it possible to do outgoing http requests from a Cloudflare worker. It is now possible to write libraries using http clients that compile for both wasm targets and other non-wasm targets such as native windows/mac/linux, without any feature switches.