wasm-bindgen-console-logger 0.1.1

A simple backend for the log crate that sends messages to the Web browser's console


This small utility crate integrates the log crate with the JavaScript console logging functions with the help of wasm-bindgen.


use log::{error, info, warn};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use wasm_bindgen_console_logger::DEFAULT_LOGGER;

pub fn start() {

    error!("Error message");
    warn!("Warning message");
    info!("Informational message");

Related libraries

By sheer coincidence, this crate was published at almost exactly the same time as console_log. Assuming that it receives continued maintenance, console_log may end up being the "go-to" option for logging in WebAssembly applications, but I'm planning to provide at least basic maintenance on this crate until the situation becomes clearer.