wasefire-applet-api 0.6.0

Low-level Wasefire applet API
name = "wasefire-applet-api"
version = "0.6.0"
authors = ["Julien Cretin <cretin@google.com>"]
license = "Apache-2.0"
publish = true
edition = "2021"
description = "Low-level Wasefire applet API"
repository = "https://github.com/google/wasefire"
include = ["/src"]
keywords = ["embedded", "framework", "no-std", "wasm"]
categories = ["embedded", "no-std", "wasm"]

default-target = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"
features = ["full-api", "wasm"]

bytemuck = { version = "1.14.0", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }
sealed = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false, optional = true }
wasefire-applet-api-macro = { version = "0.6.0", path = "../api-macro" }
wasefire-error = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../error" }
wasefire-logger = { version = "0.1.4", path = "../logger", optional = true }

# Compiles for host or wasm (choose exactly one).
host = ["dep:sealed"]
wasm = []
# API features.
api-button = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-button"]
api-crypto-ccm = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-crypto-ccm"]
api-crypto-ec = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-crypto-ec"]
api-crypto-gcm = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-crypto-gcm"]
api-crypto-hash = ["internal-api-crypto-hash", "wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-crypto-hash"]
api-crypto-hkdf = ["internal-api-crypto-hash", "wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-crypto-hkdf"]
api-crypto-hmac = ["internal-api-crypto-hash", "wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-crypto-hmac"]
api-gpio = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-gpio"]
api-led = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-led"]
api-platform = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-platform"]
api-platform-update = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-platform-update"]
api-radio-ble = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-radio-ble"]
api-rng = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-rng"]
api-store = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-store"]
api-store-fragment = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-store-fragment"]
api-timer = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-timer"]
api-uart = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-uart"]
api-usb-serial = ["wasefire-applet-api-macro/api-usb-serial"]
# Enables all API features (unstable for host).
full-api = [
# Implements the API with weak symbols to permit custom definitions (only
# relevant in wasm mode).
# The applet API functions, like `env_dp`, have a default implementation calling
# into an `env_dispatch` function, which in turn has a default implementation of
# panicking. The `env_dispatch` function takes 3 arguments: the link name, a
# pointer to the parameters, and a pointer to the results.
native = ["dep:wasefire-logger"]
# Internal features.
internal-api-crypto-hash = []