warpgrapher 0.10.0

Automate web service creation with GraphQL and Graph Databases
# Warpgrapher
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#### Framework for creating data model-driven GraphQL API services

As a developer you can focus on defining your application's data model, and Warpgrapher takes care of generating a graph-based API for interacting with that model. In addition to generating CRUD APIs for interacting with the model, Warpgrapher provides a set of advanced features to customize and extend your service. 

Supported Databases:

* Gremlin-based Databases (e.g. Apache Tinkerpop and CosmosDB)
* Cypher-based Databases (e.g. AWS Neptune and Neo4j)

## Quickstart

To get started right away, visit the [Quickstart](https://warpforge.github.io/warpgrapher/warpgrapher/quickstart.html) section of the Book, or look through our sample integration projects:

* [warpgrapher-rocket]https://github.com/warpforge/warpgrapher-rocket
* [warpgrapher-actixweb]https://github.com/warpforge/warpgrapher-actixweb
* [warpgrapher-lambda]https://github.com/warpforge/warpgrapher-lambda

## Documentation

See the [Warpgrapher Book](https://warpforge.github.io/warpgrapher/) for an introduction, tutorials, and reference information.

See the [API Documentation](https://docs.rs/warpgrapher/latest/warpgrapher/) for in-depth usage documentation.

## Contributing

See the [Contribution Guide](https://github.com/warpforge/warpgrapher/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). 

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0
   ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
 * MIT license
   ([LICENSE-MIT]LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

at your option.

## Under Active Development

The project is currently in active development. Prior to reaching 1.0.0:

1. Minor versions represent breaking changes.
2. Patch versions represent fixes and features.
3. There are no deprecation warnings between releases.