warp 0.1.12

serve the web at warp speeds
//! Redirect requests to a new location.
//! The types in this module are helpers that implement [`Reply`](Reply), and easy
//! to use in order to setup redirects.

use http::{header, StatusCode};

use self::sealed::AsLocation;
use reply::{self, Reply};

/// A simple `301` redirect to a different location.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use warp::{http::Uri, Filter};
/// let route = warp::path("v1")
///     .map(|| {
///         warp::redirect(Uri::from_static("/v2"))
///     });
/// ```
pub fn redirect(uri: impl AsLocation) -> impl Reply {

mod sealed {
    use bytes::Bytes;
    use http::{header::HeaderValue, Uri};

    // These sealed traits are to allow adding possibly new impls so other
    // arguments could be accepted, like maybe just `warp::redirect("/v2")`.
    pub trait AsLocation: Sealed {}
    pub trait Sealed {
        fn header_value(self) -> HeaderValue;

    impl AsLocation for Uri {}

    impl Sealed for Uri {
        fn header_value(self) -> HeaderValue {
            let bytes = Bytes::from(self.to_string());
            HeaderValue::from_shared(bytes).expect("Uri is a valid HeaderValue")