waow 0.10.3

A begginer friendly creative coding library


waow is a creative coding library that is intended to be simple and beginner friendly.

Heres what you can do with waow:

  • Draw simple shapes to the screen
    • currently: rectangle, circle, but more will be added soon
  • Draw an image (essentially an array of pixels)
  • Create custom shapes with the Drawable trait
  • Get user input using the Input module

Quick start

In cargo.toml:


Then in main.rs:

// import waow
use waow::*;

// create the window
fn main() {
  // initialize the code for the library to run
  let app = App::create();

  // create the window and start the draw loop
    CanvasConfiguration {
      width: 400,
      height: 400,
      background_color: Color::from_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
      window_name: String::from("waow!"),

// the struct that holds your code
struct App {}

// add a method for creating the app
impl App {
  pub fn create() -> Self {
    return Self {};

// implement the Run trait so your code can effect thr canvas
impl Run for App {
  // ran before the first frame is drawn
  fn start(&mut self, canvas: &mut Canvas) {


  // ran every time a frame is drawn
  fn draw(&mut self, canvas: &mut Canvas, input: &Input) {


For info on how to use all of the features, check out the examples, or read the docs