wander-wasm 0.5.0

Wasm support for Wander.


This project exposes functionality from the Rust implementation of Wander to WASM and JS runtimes thanks to wasm-bindgen and wasm-pack. It can be used by people with no knowledge or interest in Rust or WASM since it is published to NPM and has a purely JavaScript or TypeScript interface available.




If you are interested in building this project, see https://rustwasm.github.io/ for information on setting up a development environment.

Common Commands for Developers

wasm-pack build
wasm-pack build --target web
wasm-pack test --headless --firefox


To publish run wasm-pack build and then run (assuming you have https://deno.land installed):

deno run --allow-all ./merge_template.ts

This will update the package.json. From there just publish to npm as normal and update the template accordingly.