wambo 0.1.2

Wambo - Converter for Decimal/Bin/Hex + interprets input as several signed data types. A binary/CLI by a developer for developers.
wambo-0.1.2 is not a library.

wambo - a binary from a developer for developers

wambo is a binary that can easily shows you a value in all important numeral systems (bin, hex, dec) + interprets the input as both signed and unsigned values (from i8 to i64, including f32 and f64). It also easily calculates you mibibytes to bytes, kilobytes to gibibytes and so on.


Install: $ cargo install wambo

  • $ wambo 1mb
  • $ wambo 0xdeadbeef
  • $ wambo 0b10001111_00000000
  • $ wambo 0xf_gb (15 gigabyte)
  • $ wambo -h (for more help and examples) Just input an unsigned number (maximum 64bit) and wambo calculates all values that are interesting to developers. Example output:
    "-7" is represented by 0xc0e00000 in floating point standard (IEEE-754).
    So $ wambo 0xc0e00000 results in (you can find the -7 in the f32 line):
interpreting input as: unsigned integer
decimal: 3235905536
hex    : 0x00_00_00_00_c0_e0_00_00 (64bit)
bin    : 0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_11000000_11100000_00000000_00000000 (64bit)

interpreting input as: several (un)signed data types
 u8 (decimal):               0
 i8 (decimal):               0
u16 (decimal):               0
i16 (decimal):               0
u32 (decimal):      3235905536
i32 (decimal):     -1059061760
u64 (decimal):      3235905536
i64 (decimal):      3235905536
f32 (decimal):              -7.0000000 (bits interpreted as IEEE-754)
f64 (decimal):               0.0000000 (bits interpreted as IEEE-754)

interpreting input as: file sizes / number of bytes
 B     :    3235905536
KB     :       3235905.5360000
MB     :          3235.9055360
GB     :             3.2359055

interpreting input as: *ibi-bytes (1024 (=multiple of 2) as base instead of 1000)
KiB    :       3160064.0000000
MiB    :          3086.0000000
GiB    :             3.0136719