waitlist 0.1.0

Keep track of an ordered list of Wakers to wake
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# Waitlist

In Rust async programming it is somewhat common to need to keep track of a set of `Waker`s that should be notified when something happens. This is useful for implementing many synchronization abstractions including mutexes, channels, condition variables, etc. This library provides an implementation of a queue of `Waker`s, that can be used for this purpose.

## Acknowledgements

The implementation (and API) pulls heavily from the [`waker_set`](https://github.com/async-rs/async-std/blob/master/src/sync/waker_set.rs) module in [`async-std`](https://github.com/async-rs/async-std), and the storage structure was inspired by [`slab`](https://github.com/carllerche/slab), although the actual details differ somewhat to optimize for the uses of `WaitList`.

## Differences from `async-std` and `futures-util`

This implementation differs from the `waker_set` implementation and patterns followed in the `futures-util` crate. Specifically:
  1. The order in which tasks are notified is more fair. `Waitlist` uses a FIFO queue for notifying waiting tasks, whereas the usage of `slab` in other implementations can result in task starvation in certains situations (see https://users.rust-lang.org/t/concerns-about-using-slab-to-track-wakers/33653).
  2. Removing an entry from the list is potentially `O(n)` rather than `O(1)`. This is a bit of a tradeoff. Using slab gets `O(1)` removal because it doesn't care about the order of the entries. On the other hand, notifying a single entry is `O(1)` with `Waitlist`, and notifying all waiting only has to iterate through waiting entries, whereas with slab it is necessary to iterate through the entire capacity of the slab. Also, if an entry has already been woken in `Waitlist`, "removal" is still only `O(1)` (because it is really just decrementing a counter).
  3. `WaitList` uses std::sync::Mutex to synchronize similar to `futures-util` and unlike `async-std` which uses a `Mutex`.