waiter_di 1.1.6

Dependency injection

Dependency injection for Rust

See examples/get_started.rs for list of available injection options

How to use

Annotate structure with #[component]

struct Comp {}

Annotate impl blocks with #[provides]

impl Interface for Comp {}

Create container:

fn main() {
    let mut container = Container::<profiles::Default>::new();

Get dependency ref:

fn main() {
    let comp = Provider::<dyn Interface>::get(&mut container);

Inject references

For Rc:

struct Dependency;

struct Comp {
    dependency_rc: Rc<Dependency>

fn main() {
    let mut container = Container::<profiles::Default>::new();
    Provider::<Comp>::get(&mut container);

To create new struct instead of getting reference:

struct Comp {
    dependency: Dependency,
    dependency_box: Box<Dependency>

fn main() {
    let mut container = Container::<profiles::Default>::new();
    Provider::<Comp>::create(&mut container);


It uses config crate under the hood, for example it tries to find float_prop in environment, after that tries config/default.toml, after that config/{profile}.toml

struct Comp {
    config: Config,
    #[prop("int")] int_prop: usize,
    float_prop: f32

Dependency cycle

Use Deferred type:

struct Comp {
    dependency_def_rc: Deferred<Rc<Dependency>>,
    dependency_def_box: Deferred<Box<Dependency>>


You can use predefined profiles from `waiter_di::profile" or create custom:

struct CustomProfile;

#[provides(profiles::Dev, CustomProfile)]
impl Interface for Comp {}

fn main() {
    let mut container = Container::<profiles::Default>::new();
    let mut container = Container::<profiles::Dev>::new();
    let mut container = Container::<CustomProfile>::new();

Get profile from environment or config/default.toml

Just define property named profile and use inject! macro:

fn main() {
    let comp = inject!(Comp: profiles::Default, profiles::Dev);

Factory functions:

If you can't use #[component] annotation, use factory function instead:

fn create_dependency(bool_prop: bool) -> Dependency {
    Dependency { prop: bool_prop }

Deferred args in factory functions is unsupported. In the rest it can accept the same arg types as #[component].

External types isn't supported for factory functions:

#[provides] // won't compile
fn create_external_type_dependency() -> HashMap<i32, i32> {

So you need to create crate-local wrapper:

struct Wrapper(HashMap<i32, i32>);

fn create_external_type_dependency() -> Wrapper {

For convenience you can use #[wrapper] attribute to implement Deref automatically:

struct HashMap(std::collections::HashMap<i32, i32>);

fn create_external_type_dependency() -> HashMap {
    return HashMap(std::collections::HashMap::<i32, i32>::new());