waffles-solana-zk-token-sdk 1.15.0

Waffle Labs maintained Solana Zk Token SDK
//! The public-key (validity) proof system.
//! A public-key proof is defined with respect to an ElGamal public key. The proof certifies that a
//! given public key is a valid ElGamal public key (i.e. the prover knows a corresponding secret
//! key). To generate the proof, a prover must prove the secret key for the public key.
//! The protocol guarantees computational soundness (by the hardness of discrete log) and perfect
//! zero-knowledge in the random oracle model.

#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
use {
        elgamal::{ElGamalKeypair, ElGamalPubkey},
use {
        errors::ProofVerificationError, sigma_proofs::errors::PubkeyValidityProofError,
    arrayref::{array_ref, array_refs},
        ristretto::{CompressedRistretto, RistrettoPoint},
        traits::{IsIdentity, VartimeMultiscalarMul},

/// Public-key proof.
/// Contains all the elliptic curve and scalar components that make up the sigma protocol.
pub struct PubkeySigmaProof {
    Y: CompressedRistretto,
    z: Scalar,

#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
impl PubkeySigmaProof {
    /// Public-key proof constructor.
    /// The function does *not* hash the public key and ciphertext into the transcript. For
    /// security, the caller (the main protocol) should hash these public key components prior to
    /// invoking this constructor.
    /// This function is randomized. It uses `OsRng` internally to generate random scalars.
    /// This function panics if the provided keypair is not valid (i.e. secret key is not
    /// invertible).
    /// * `elgamal_keypair` = The ElGamal keypair that pertains to the ElGamal public key to be
    /// proved
    /// * `transcript` - The transcript that does the bookkeeping for the Fiat-Shamir heuristic
    pub fn new(elgamal_keypair: &ElGamalKeypair, transcript: &mut Transcript) -> Self {

        // extract the relevant scalar and Ristretto points from the input
        let s = elgamal_keypair.secret.get_scalar();

        assert!(s != &Scalar::zero());
        let s_inv = s.invert();

        // generate a random masking factor that also serves as a nonce
        let mut y = Scalar::random(&mut OsRng);
        let Y = (&y * &(*H)).compress();

        // record masking factors in transcript and get challenges
        transcript.append_point(b"Y", &Y);
        let c = transcript.challenge_scalar(b"c");

        // compute masked secret key
        let z = &(&c * s_inv) + &y;


        Self { Y, z }

    /// Public-key proof verifier.
    /// * `elgamal_pubkey` - The ElGamal public key to be proved
    /// * `transcript` - The transcript that does the bookkeeping for the Fiat-Shamir heuristic
    pub fn verify(
        elgamal_pubkey: &ElGamalPubkey,
        transcript: &mut Transcript,
    ) -> Result<(), PubkeyValidityProofError> {

        // extract the relvant scalar and Ristretto points from the input
        let P = elgamal_pubkey.get_point();

        // include Y to transcript and extract challenge
        transcript.validate_and_append_point(b"Y", &self.Y)?;
        let c = transcript.challenge_scalar(b"c");

        // check that the required algebraic condition holds
        let Y = self

        let check = RistrettoPoint::vartime_multiscalar_mul(
            vec![&self.z, &(-&c), &(-&Scalar::one())],
            vec![&(*H), P, &Y],

        if check.is_identity() {
        } else {

    pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 64] {
        let mut buf = [0_u8; 64];

    pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, PubkeyValidityProofError> {
        if bytes.len() != 64 {
            return Err(ProofVerificationError::Deserialization.into());

        let bytes = array_ref![bytes, 0, 64];
        let (Y, z) = array_refs![bytes, 32, 32];

        let Y = CompressedRistretto::from_slice(Y);
        let z = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(*z).ok_or(ProofVerificationError::Deserialization)?;

        Ok(PubkeySigmaProof { Y, z })

mod test {
    use {
        solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, signature::Keypair},

    fn test_pubkey_proof_correctness() {
        // random ElGamal keypair
        let keypair = ElGamalKeypair::new_rand();

        let mut prover_transcript = Transcript::new(b"test");
        let mut verifier_transcript = Transcript::new(b"test");

        let proof = PubkeySigmaProof::new(&keypair, &mut prover_transcript);
            .verify(&keypair.public, &mut verifier_transcript)

        // derived ElGamal keypair
        let keypair = ElGamalKeypair::new(&Keypair::new(), &Pubkey::default()).unwrap();

        let mut prover_transcript = Transcript::new(b"test");
        let mut verifier_transcript = Transcript::new(b"test");

        let proof = PubkeySigmaProof::new(&keypair, &mut prover_transcript);
            .verify(&keypair.public, &mut verifier_transcript)