waffles-solana-program 1.15.0

Waffle Labs maintained Solana Program
//! Current cluster fees.
//! The _fees sysvar_ provides access to the [`Fees`] type, which contains the
//! current [`FeeCalculator`].
//! [`Fees`] implements [`Sysvar::get`] and can be loaded efficiently without
//! passing the sysvar account ID to the program.
//! This sysvar is deprecated and will not be available in the future.
//! Transaction fees should be determined with the [`getFeeForMessage`] RPC
//! method. For additional context see the [Comprehensive Compute Fees
//! proposal][ccf].
//! [`getFeeForMessage`]: https://docs.solana.com/developing/clients/jsonrpc-api#getfeeformessage
//! [ccf]: https://docs.solana.com/proposals/comprehensive-compute-fees
//! See also the Solana [documentation on the fees sysvar][sdoc].
//! [sdoc]: https://docs.solana.com/developing/runtime-facilities/sysvars#fees


use {
        fee_calculator::FeeCalculator, impl_sysvar_get, program_error::ProgramError, sysvar::Sysvar,

crate::declare_deprecated_sysvar_id!("SysvarFees111111111111111111111111111111111", Fees);

/// Transaction fees.
    since = "1.9.0",
    note = "Please do not use, will no longer be available in the future"
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, CloneZeroed, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Fees {
    pub fee_calculator: FeeCalculator,

impl Fees {
    pub fn new(fee_calculator: &FeeCalculator) -> Self {
        Self {
            fee_calculator: *fee_calculator,

impl Sysvar for Fees {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_clone() {
        let fees = Fees {
            fee_calculator: FeeCalculator {
                lamports_per_signature: 1,
        let cloned_fees = fees.clone();
        assert_eq!(cloned_fees, fees);