vulkano 0.5.6

Safe wrapper for the Vulkan graphics API
// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.

//! Stage of a graphics pipeline.
//! In Vulkan, shaders are grouped in *shader modules*. Each shader module is built from SPIR-V
//! code and can contain one or more entry points. Note that for the moment the official
//! GLSL-to-SPIR-V compiler does not support multiple entry points.
//! The vulkano library does not provide any functionnality that checks and introspects the SPIR-V
//! code, therefore the whole shader-related API is unsafe. You are encouraged to use the
//! `vulkano-shaders` crate that will generate Rust code that wraps around vulkano's shaders API.

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::fmt;
use std::iter;
use std::iter::Empty as EmptyIter;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::Arc;

use format::Format;
use pipeline::input_assembly::PrimitiveTopology;

use OomError;
use SafeDeref;
use VulkanObject;
use check_errors;
use device::Device;
use vk;

/// Contains SPIR-V code with one or more entry points.
/// Note that it is advised to wrap around a `ShaderModule` with a struct that is different for
/// each shader.
pub struct ShaderModule<P = Arc<Device>>
    where P: SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    // The module.
    module: vk::ShaderModule,
    // Pointer to the device.
    device: P,

impl<P> ShaderModule<P>
    where P: SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    /// Builds a new shader module from SPIR-V.
    /// # Safety
    /// - The SPIR-V code is not validated.
    /// - The SPIR-V code may require some features that are not enabled. This isn't checked by
    ///   this function either.
    pub unsafe fn new(device: P, spirv: &[u8]) -> Result<Arc<ShaderModule<P>>, OomError> {
        debug_assert!((spirv.len() % 4) == 0);

        let module = {
            let infos = vk::ShaderModuleCreateInfo {
                pNext: ptr::null(),
                flags: 0, // reserved
                codeSize: spirv.len(),
                pCode: spirv.as_ptr() as *const _,

            let vk = device.pointers();
            let mut output = mem::uninitialized();
                                               &mut output))?;

        Ok(Arc::new(ShaderModule {
                        module: module,
                        device: device,

    /// Gets access to an entry point contained in this module.
    /// This is purely a *logical* operation. It returns a struct that *represents* the entry
    /// point but doesn't actually do anything.
    /// # Safety
    /// - The user must check that the entry point exists in the module, as this is not checked
    ///   by Vulkan.
    /// - The input, output and layout must correctly describe the input, output and layout used
    ///   by this stage.
    pub unsafe fn vertex_shader_entry_point<'a, S, I, O, L>(
        &'a self, name: &'a CStr, input: I, output: O, layout: L)
        -> VertexShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P> {
        VertexShaderEntryPoint {
            module: self,
            name: name,
            input: input,
            output: output,
            layout: layout,
            marker: PhantomData,

    /// Gets access to an entry point contained in this module.
    /// This is purely a *logical* operation. It returns a struct that *represents* the entry
    /// point but doesn't actually do anything.
    /// # Safety
    /// - The user must check that the entry point exists in the module, as this is not checked
    ///   by Vulkan.
    /// - The input, output and layout must correctly describe the input, output and layout used
    ///   by this stage.
    pub unsafe fn tess_control_shader_entry_point<'a, S, I, O, L>(
        &'a self, name: &'a CStr, input: I, output: O, layout: L)
        -> TessControlShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P> {
        TessControlShaderEntryPoint {
            module: self,
            name: name,
            layout: layout,
            input: input,
            output: output,
            marker: PhantomData,

    /// Gets access to an entry point contained in this module.
    /// This is purely a *logical* operation. It returns a struct that *represents* the entry
    /// point but doesn't actually do anything.
    /// # Safety
    /// - The user must check that the entry point exists in the module, as this is not checked
    ///   by Vulkan.
    /// - The input, output and layout must correctly describe the input, output and layout used
    ///   by this stage.
    pub unsafe fn tess_evaluation_shader_entry_point<'a, S, I, O, L>(
        &'a self, name: &'a CStr, input: I, output: O, layout: L)
        -> TessEvaluationShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P> {
        TessEvaluationShaderEntryPoint {
            module: self,
            name: name,
            layout: layout,
            input: input,
            output: output,
            marker: PhantomData,

    /// Gets access to an entry point contained in this module.
    /// This is purely a *logical* operation. It returns a struct that *represents* the entry
    /// point but doesn't actually do anything.
    /// # Safety
    /// - The user must check that the entry point exists in the module, as this is not checked
    ///   by Vulkan.
    /// - The input, output and layout must correctly describe the input, output and layout used
    ///   by this stage.
    pub unsafe fn geometry_shader_entry_point<'a, S, I, O, L>(
        &'a self, name: &'a CStr, primitives: GeometryShaderExecutionMode, input: I, output: O,
        layout: L)
        -> GeometryShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P> {
        GeometryShaderEntryPoint {
            module: self,
            name: name,
            layout: layout,
            primitives: primitives,
            input: input,
            output: output,
            marker: PhantomData,

    /// Gets access to an entry point contained in this module.
    /// This is purely a *logical* operation. It returns a struct that *represents* the entry
    /// point but doesn't actually do anything.
    /// # Safety
    /// - The user must check that the entry point exists in the module, as this is not checked
    ///   by Vulkan.
    /// - The input, output and layout must correctly describe the input, output and layout used
    ///   by this stage.
    pub unsafe fn fragment_shader_entry_point<'a, S, I, O, L>(
        &'a self, name: &'a CStr, input: I, output: O, layout: L)
        -> FragmentShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P> {
        FragmentShaderEntryPoint {
            module: self,
            name: name,
            layout: layout,
            input: input,
            output: output,
            marker: PhantomData,

    /// Gets access to an entry point contained in this module.
    /// This is purely a *logical* operation. It returns a struct that *represents* the entry
    /// point but doesn't actually do anything.
    /// # Safety
    /// - The user must check that the entry point exists in the module, as this is not checked
    ///   by Vulkan.
    /// - The layout must correctly describe the layout used by this stage.
    pub unsafe fn compute_shader_entry_point<'a, S, L>(&'a self, name: &'a CStr, layout: L)
                                                       -> ComputeShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, L, P> {
        ComputeShaderEntryPoint {
            module: self,
            name: name,
            layout: layout,
            marker: PhantomData,

unsafe impl<P> VulkanObject for ShaderModule<P>
    where P: SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    type Object = vk::ShaderModule;

    fn internal_object(&self) -> vk::ShaderModule {

impl<P> Drop for ShaderModule<P>
    where P: SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            let vk = self.device.pointers();
            vk.DestroyShaderModule(self.device.internal_object(), self.module, ptr::null());

/// Represents the entry point of a vertex shader in a shader module.
/// Can be obtained by calling `vertex_shader_entry_point()` on the shader module.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct VertexShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P = Arc<Device>>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    module: &'a ShaderModule<P>,
    name: &'a CStr,
    input: I,
    layout: L,
    output: O,
    marker: PhantomData<S>,

impl<'a, S, I, O, L, P> VertexShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    /// Returns the module this entry point comes from.
    pub fn module(&self) -> &'a ShaderModule<P> {

    /// Returns the name of the entry point.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &'a CStr {

    /// Returns the pipeline layout used by the shader stage.
    pub fn layout(&self) -> &L {

    /// Returns the input attributes used by the shader stage.
    // TODO: rename "input" for consistency
    pub fn input_definition(&self) -> &I {

    /// Returns the output attributes used by the shader stage.
    pub fn output(&self) -> &O {

/// Represents the entry point of a tessellation control shader in a shader module.
/// Can be obtained by calling `tess_control_shader_entry_point()` on the shader module.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TessControlShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P = Arc<Device>>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    module: &'a ShaderModule<P>,
    name: &'a CStr,
    layout: L,
    input: I,
    output: O,
    marker: PhantomData<S>,

impl<'a, S, I, O, L, P> TessControlShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    /// Returns the module this entry point comes from.
    pub fn module(&self) -> &'a ShaderModule<P> {

    /// Returns the name of the entry point.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &'a CStr {

    /// Returns the pipeline layout used by the shader stage.
    pub fn layout(&self) -> &L {

    /// Returns the input attributes used by the shader stage.
    pub fn input(&self) -> &I {

    /// Returns the output attributes used by the shader stage.
    pub fn output(&self) -> &O {

/// Represents the entry point of a tessellation evaluation shader in a shader module.
/// Can be obtained by calling `tess_evaluation_shader_entry_point()` on the shader module.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TessEvaluationShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P = Arc<Device>>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    module: &'a ShaderModule<P>,
    name: &'a CStr,
    layout: L,
    input: I,
    output: O,
    marker: PhantomData<S>,

impl<'a, S, I, O, L, P> TessEvaluationShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    /// Returns the module this entry point comes from.
    pub fn module(&self) -> &'a ShaderModule<P> {

    /// Returns the name of the entry point.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &'a CStr {

    /// Returns the pipeline layout used by the shader stage.
    pub fn layout(&self) -> &L {

    /// Returns the input attributes used by the shader stage.
    pub fn input(&self) -> &I {

    /// Returns the output attributes used by the shader stage.
    pub fn output(&self) -> &O {

/// Represents the entry point of a geometry shader in a shader module.
/// Can be obtained by calling `geometry_shader_entry_point()` on the shader module.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct GeometryShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P = Arc<Device>>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    module: &'a ShaderModule<P>,
    name: &'a CStr,
    layout: L,
    primitives: GeometryShaderExecutionMode,
    input: I,
    output: O,
    marker: PhantomData<S>,

impl<'a, S, I, O, L, P> GeometryShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    /// Returns the module this entry point comes from.
    pub fn module(&self) -> &'a ShaderModule<P> {

    /// Returns the name of the entry point.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &'a CStr {

    /// Returns the kind of primitives expected by the geometry shader.
    pub fn primitives(&self) -> GeometryShaderExecutionMode {

    /// Returns the pipeline layout used by the shader stage.
    pub fn layout(&self) -> &L {

    /// Returns the input attributes used by the shader stage.
    pub fn input(&self) -> &I {

    /// Returns the output attributes used by the shader stage.
    pub fn output(&self) -> &O {

/// Declares which type of primitives are expected by the geometry shader.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum GeometryShaderExecutionMode {

impl GeometryShaderExecutionMode {
    /// Returns true if the given primitive topology can be used with this execution mode.
    pub fn matches(&self, input: PrimitiveTopology) -> bool {
        match (*self, input) {
            (GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Points, PrimitiveTopology::PointList) => true,
            (GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Lines, PrimitiveTopology::LineList) => true,
            (GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Lines, PrimitiveTopology::LineStrip) => true,
             PrimitiveTopology::LineListWithAdjacency) => true,
             PrimitiveTopology::LineStripWithAdjacency) => true,
            (GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Triangles, PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList) => true,
            (GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Triangles, PrimitiveTopology::TriangleStrip) => true,
            (GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Triangles, PrimitiveTopology::TriangleFan) => true,
             PrimitiveTopology::TriangleListWithAdjacency) => true,
             PrimitiveTopology::TriangleStripWithAdjacency) => true,
            _ => false,

/// Represents the entry point of a fragment shader in a shader module.
/// Can be obtained by calling `fragment_shader_entry_point()` on the shader module.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct FragmentShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P = Arc<Device>>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    module: &'a ShaderModule<P>,
    name: &'a CStr,
    layout: L,
    input: I,
    output: O,
    marker: PhantomData<S>,

impl<'a, S, I, O, L, P> FragmentShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, I, O, L, P>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    /// Returns the module this entry point comes from.
    pub fn module(&self) -> &'a ShaderModule<P> {

    /// Returns the name of the entry point.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &'a CStr {

    /// Returns the pipeline layout used by the shader stage.
    pub fn layout(&self) -> &L {

    /// Returns the input attributes used by the shader stage.
    pub fn input(&self) -> &I {

    /// Returns the output attributes used by the shader stage.
    pub fn output(&self) -> &O {

/// Represents the entry point of a compute shader in a shader module.
/// Can be obtained by calling `compute_shader_entry_point()` on the shader module.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ComputeShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, L, P = Arc<Device>>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    module: &'a ShaderModule<P>,
    name: &'a CStr,
    layout: L,
    marker: PhantomData<S>,

impl<'a, S, L, P> ComputeShaderEntryPoint<'a, S, L, P>
    where P: 'a + SafeDeref<Target = Device>
    /// Returns the module this entry point comes from.
    pub fn module(&self) -> &'a ShaderModule<P> {

    /// Returns the name of the entry point.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &'a CStr {

    /// Returns the pipeline layout used by the shader stage.
    pub fn layout(&self) -> &L {

/// Types that contain the definition of an interface between two shader stages, or between
/// the outside and a shader stage.
/// # Safety
/// - Must only provide one entry per location.
/// - The format of each element must not be larger than 128 bits.
pub unsafe trait ShaderInterfaceDef {
    /// Iterator returned by `elements`.
    type Iter: ExactSizeIterator<Item = ShaderInterfaceDefEntry>;

    /// Iterates over the elements of the interface.
    fn elements(&self) -> Self::Iter;

/// Entry of a shader interface definition.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ShaderInterfaceDefEntry {
    /// Range of locations covered by the element.
    pub location: Range<u32>,
    /// Format of a each location of the element.
    pub format: Format,
    /// Name of the element, or `None` if the name is unknown.
    pub name: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,

/// Description of an empty shader interface.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct EmptyShaderInterfaceDef;

unsafe impl ShaderInterfaceDef for EmptyShaderInterfaceDef {
    type Iter = EmptyIter<ShaderInterfaceDefEntry>;

    fn elements(&self) -> Self::Iter {

/// Extension trait for `ShaderInterfaceDef` that specifies that the interface is potentially
/// compatible with another one.
pub unsafe trait ShaderInterfaceDefMatch<I>: ShaderInterfaceDef
    where I: ShaderInterfaceDef
    /// Returns `Ok` if the two definitions match.
    fn matches(&self, other: &I) -> Result<(), ShaderInterfaceMismatchError>;

// TODO: turn this into a default impl that can be specialized
unsafe impl<T, I> ShaderInterfaceDefMatch<I> for T
    where T: ShaderInterfaceDef,
          I: ShaderInterfaceDef
    fn matches(&self, other: &I) -> Result<(), ShaderInterfaceMismatchError> {
        if self.elements().len() != other.elements().len() {
            return Err(ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::ElementsCountMismatch);

        for a in self.elements() {
            for loc in a.location.clone() {
                let b = match other
                    .find(|e| loc >= e.location.start && loc < e.location.end) {
                    None => return Err(ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::MissingElement {
                                           location: loc,
                    Some(b) => b,

                if a.format != b.format {
                    return Err(ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::FormatMismatch);

                // TODO: enforce this?
                /*match (, {
                    (Some(ref an), Some(ref bn)) => if an != bn { return false },
                    _ => ()


/// Error that can happen when the interface mismatches between two shader stages.
// TODO: improve diagnostic a bit
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ShaderInterfaceMismatchError {
    MissingElement { location: u32 },

impl error::Error for ShaderInterfaceMismatchError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::ElementsCountMismatch =>
                "the number of elements mismatches",
            ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::MissingElement { .. } => "an element is missing",
            ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::FormatMismatch =>
                "the format of an element does not match",

impl fmt::Display for ShaderInterfaceMismatchError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        write!(fmt, "{}", error::Error::description(self))

/// Trait for types that contain specialization data for shaders.
/// It is implemented on `()` for shaders that don't have any specialization constant.
/// # Safety
/// - The `SpecializationMapEntry` returned must contain valid offsets and sizes.
pub unsafe trait SpecializationConstants {
    /// Returns descriptors of the struct's layout.
    fn descriptors() -> &'static [SpecializationMapEntry];

unsafe impl SpecializationConstants for () {
    fn descriptors() -> &'static [SpecializationMapEntry] {

/// Describes an indiviual constant to set in the shader. Also a field in the struct.
// Has the same memory representation as a `VkSpecializationMapEntry`.
pub struct SpecializationMapEntry {
    /// Identifier of the constant in the shader that corresponds to this field.
    pub constant_id: u32,
    /// Offset within this struct for the data.
    pub offset: u32,
    /// Size of the data in bytes.
    pub size: usize,