Struct vulkano::buffer::cpu_pool::CpuBufferPoolSubbuffer [] [src]

pub struct CpuBufferPoolSubbuffer<T: ?Sized, A> where
    A: MemoryPool
{ /* fields omitted */ }

A subbuffer allocated from a CpuBufferPool.

When this object is destroyed, the subbuffer is automatically reclaimed by the pool.

Trait Implementations

impl<T: ?Sized, A> Buffer for CpuBufferPoolSubbuffer<T, A> where
    A: MemoryPool

Object that represents a GPU access to the buffer.

Builds an object that represents a GPU access to the buffer.

Returns the size of the buffer in bytes.

Returns the length of the buffer in number of elements. Read more

Builds a BufferSlice object holding part of the buffer. Read more

Builds a BufferSlice object holding the buffer by value.

Builds a BufferSlice object holding part of the buffer. Read more

impl<T: ?Sized, A> TypedBuffer for CpuBufferPoolSubbuffer<T, A> where
    A: MemoryPool

The type of the content of the buffer.

impl<T: ?Sized, A> Clone for CpuBufferPoolSubbuffer<T, A> where
    A: MemoryPool

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<T: ?Sized, A> BufferAccess for CpuBufferPoolSubbuffer<T, A> where
    A: MemoryPool

Returns the inner information about this buffer.

Returns the size of the buffer in bytes.

Returns a key that uniquely identifies the range given by offset/size. Read more

Locks the resource for usage on the GPU. Returns false if the lock was already acquired. Read more

Locks the resource for usage on the GPU. Supposes that the resource is already locked, and simply increases the lock by one. Read more

Returns the length of the buffer in number of elements. Read more

Builds a BufferSlice object holding the buffer by reference.

Builds a BufferSlice object holding part of the buffer by reference. Read more

Builds a BufferSlice object holding the buffer by value.

Builds a BufferSlice object holding part of the buffer by reference. Read more

Returns true if an access to self (as defined by self_offset and self_size) potentially overlaps the same memory as an access to other (as defined by other_offset and other_size). Read more

Returns true if an access to self (as defined by self_offset and self_size) potentially overlaps the same memory as an access to other (as defined by other_first_layer, other_num_layers, other_first_mipmap and other_num_mipmaps). Read more

Shortcut for conflicts_buffer that compares the whole buffer to another.

Shortcut for conflicts_image that compares the whole buffer to a whole image.

Shortcut for conflict_key that grabs the key of the whole buffer.

impl<T: ?Sized, A> TypedBufferAccess for CpuBufferPoolSubbuffer<T, A> where
    A: MemoryPool

The type of the content.

impl<T: ?Sized, A> DeviceOwned for CpuBufferPoolSubbuffer<T, A> where
    A: MemoryPool

Returns the device that owns Self.

impl<T: ?Sized, A> Drop for CpuBufferPoolSubbuffer<T, A> where
    A: MemoryPool

A method called when the value goes out of scope. Read more