Expand description

API entry point.

The first thing to do before you start using Vulkan is to create an Instance object.

For example:

use vulkano::instance::Instance;
use vulkano::instance::InstanceExtensions;
use vulkano::Version;

let instance = match Instance::new(Default::default()) {
    Ok(i) => i,
    Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't build instance: {:?}", err)

Creating an instance initializes everything and allows you to enumerate physical devices, ie. all the Vulkan implementations that are available on the system.

use vulkano::device::physical::PhysicalDevice;

for physical_device in PhysicalDevice::enumerate(&instance) {
    println!("Available device: {}", physical_device.properties().device_name);

Enumerating physical devices and creating a device

After you have created an instance, the next step is usually to enumerate the physical devices that are available on the system with PhysicalDevice::enumerate() (see above).

When choosing which physical device to use, keep in mind that physical devices may or may not be able to draw to a certain surface (ie. to a window or a monitor), or may even not be able to draw at all. See the swapchain module for more information about surfaces.

Once you have chosen a physical device, you can create a Device object from it. See the device module for more info.


pub use self::loader::LoadingError;


Debug messenger called by intermediate layers or by the driver.

Vulkan implementation loading system.


An error that can happen when enabling an extension on an instance or device.

An instance of a Vulkan context. This is the main object that should be created by an application before everything else.

Parameters to create a new Instance.

List of extensions that are enabled or available.

Raw Vulkan instance-level functions.

Properties of a layer.

Represents an API version of Vulkan.


Error that can happen when creating an instance.

Error that can happen when loading the list of layers.

Error that can happen when loading the list of layers.


Queries the list of layers that are available when creating an instance.