Trait vulkano::image::traits::ImageView [] [src]

pub unsafe trait ImageView: 'static + Send + Sync {
    fn parent(&self) -> &Image;
    fn parent_arc(&Arc<Self>) -> Arc<Image> where Self: Sized;
    fn inner(&self) -> &UnsafeImageView;
    fn blocks(&self) -> Vec<(u32, u32)>;
    fn descriptor_set_storage_image_layout(&self) -> Layout;
    fn descriptor_set_combined_image_sampler_layout(&self) -> Layout;
    fn descriptor_set_sampled_image_layout(&self) -> Layout;
    fn descriptor_set_input_attachment_layout(&self) -> Layout;
    fn identity_swizzle(&self) -> bool;

    fn format(&self) -> Format { ... }
    fn samples(&self) -> u32 { ... }
    fn can_be_sampled(&self, sampler: &Sampler) -> bool { ... }

Trait for types that represent image views.

Required Methods

Returns the inner unsafe image view object used by this image view.

Returns the blocks of the parent image this image view overlaps.

Returns the image layout to use in a descriptor with the given subresource.

Returns the image layout to use in a descriptor with the given subresource.

Returns the image layout to use in a descriptor with the given subresource.

Returns the image layout to use in a descriptor with the given subresource.

Returns true if the view doesn't use components swizzling.

Must be true when the view is used as a framebuffer attachment or TODO: I don't remember the other thing.

Provided Methods

Returns the format of this view. This can be different from the parent's format.

Returns true if the given sampler can be used with this image view.

This method should check whether the sampler's configuration can be used with the format of the view.
