vulkano 0.2.0

Safe wrapper for the Vulkan graphics API
# Contributing

The project is in its initial development phase. All code is potentially a draft.
If you want to contribute, you are encouraged to ask whether it's ok to implement something before
starting to do so. Otherwise your work could end up being useless or against the intended design.

For each module, the tile is checked if the code inside it is in an "acceptable" state:

- [x] Buffer
- [ ] Command buffer
- [ ] Descriptor set
- [x] Device
- [x] Features
- [x] Formats
- [x] Framebuffer
- [ ] Image
- [ ] Instance
- [x] Lib
- [x] Memory
- [ ] Pipeline
- [ ] Query
- [x] Sampler
- [ ] Shader
- [x] Swapchain
- [x] Sync
- [x] Version