vulkano 0.16.0

Safe wrapper for the Vulkan graphics API
// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.

//! Image storage (1D, 2D, 3D, arrays, etc.).
//! An *image* is a region of memory whose purpose is to store multi-dimensional data. Its
//! most common use is to store a 2D array of color pixels (in other words an *image* in
//! everyday language), but it can also be used to store arbitrary data.
//! The advantage of using an image compared to a buffer is that the memory layout is optimized
//! for locality. When reading a specific pixel of an image, reading the nearby pixels is really
//! fast. Most implementations have hardware dedicated to reading from images if you access them
//! through a sampler.
//! # Properties of an image
//! # Images and image views
//! There is a distinction between *images* and *image views*. As its name suggests, an image
//! view describes how the GPU must interpret the image.
//! Transfer and memory operations operate on images themselves, while reading/writing an image
//! operates on image views. You can create multiple image views from the same image.
//! # High-level wrappers
//! In the vulkano library, an image is any object that implements the `Image` trait and an image
//! view is any object that implements the `ImageView` trait.
//! Since these traits are low-level, you are encouraged to not implement them yourself but instead
//! use one of the provided implementations that are specialized depending on the way you are going
//! to use the image:
//! - An `AttachmentImage` can be used when you want to draw to an image.
//! - An `ImmutableImage` stores data which never need be changed after the initial upload,
//!   like a texture.
//! # Low-level information
//! To be written.

use std::cmp;

pub use self::attachment::AttachmentImage;
pub use self::immutable::ImmutableImage;
pub use self::layout::ImageLayout;
pub use self::storage::StorageImage;
pub use self::swapchain::SwapchainImage;
pub use self::sys::ImageCreationError;
pub use self::traits::ImageAccess;
pub use self::traits::ImageInner;
pub use self::traits::ImageViewAccess;
pub use self::usage::ImageUsage;

pub mod attachment; // TODO: make private
pub mod immutable; // TODO: make private
mod layout;
mod storage;
pub mod swapchain; // TODO: make private
pub mod sys;
pub mod traits;
mod usage;

/// Specifies how many mipmaps must be allocated.
/// Note that at least one mipmap must be allocated, to store the main level of the image.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum MipmapsCount {
    /// Allocates the number of mipmaps required to store all the mipmaps of the image where each
    /// mipmap is half the dimensions of the previous level. Guaranteed to be always supported.
    /// Note that this is not necessarily the maximum number of mipmaps, as the Vulkan
    /// implementation may report that it supports a greater value.

    /// Allocate one mipmap (ie. just the main level). Always supported.

    /// Allocate the given number of mipmaps. May result in an error if the value is out of range
    /// of what the implementation supports.

impl From<u32> for MipmapsCount {
    fn from(num: u32) -> MipmapsCount {

/// Specifies how the components of an image must be swizzled.
/// When creating an image view, it is possible to ask the implementation to modify the value
/// returned when accessing a given component from within a shader.
/// If all the members are `Identity`, then the view is said to have identity swizzling. This is
/// what the `Default` trait implementation of this struct returns.
/// Views that don't have identity swizzling may not be supported for some operations. For example
/// attaching a view to a framebuffer is only possible if the view is identity-swizzled.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Swizzle {
    /// First component.
    pub r: ComponentSwizzle,
    /// Second component.
    pub g: ComponentSwizzle,
    /// Third component.
    pub b: ComponentSwizzle,
    /// Fourth component.
    pub a: ComponentSwizzle,

/// Describes the value that an individual component must return when being accessed.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ComponentSwizzle {
    /// Returns the value that this component should normally have.
    /// Always return zero.
    /// Always return one.
    /// Returns the value of the first component.
    /// Returns the value of the second component.
    /// Returns the value of the third component.
    /// Returns the value of the fourth component.

impl Default for ComponentSwizzle {
    fn default() -> ComponentSwizzle {

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Dimensions {
    Dim1d { width: u32 },
    Dim1dArray { width: u32, array_layers: u32 },
    Dim2d { width: u32, height: u32 },
    Dim2dArray {
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
        array_layers: u32,
    Dim3d { width: u32, height: u32, depth: u32 },
    Cubemap { size: u32 },
    CubemapArray { size: u32, array_layers: u32 },

impl Dimensions {
    pub fn width(&self) -> u32 {
        match *self {
            Dimensions::Dim1d { width } => width,
            Dimensions::Dim1dArray { width, .. } => width,
            Dimensions::Dim2d { width, .. } => width,
            Dimensions::Dim2dArray { width, .. } => width,
            Dimensions::Dim3d { width, .. } => width,
            Dimensions::Cubemap { size } => size,
            Dimensions::CubemapArray { size, .. } => size,

    pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
        match *self {
            Dimensions::Dim1d { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim1dArray { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim2d { height, .. } => height,
            Dimensions::Dim2dArray { height, .. } => height,
            Dimensions::Dim3d { height, .. } => height,
            Dimensions::Cubemap { size } => size,
            Dimensions::CubemapArray { size, .. } => size,

    pub fn width_height(&self) -> [u32; 2] {
        [self.width(), self.height()]

    pub fn depth(&self) -> u32 {
        match *self {
            Dimensions::Dim1d { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim1dArray { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim2d { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim2dArray { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim3d { depth, .. } => depth,
            Dimensions::Cubemap { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::CubemapArray { .. } => 1,

    pub fn width_height_depth(&self) -> [u32; 3] {
        [self.width(), self.height(), self.depth()]

    pub fn array_layers(&self) -> u32 {
        match *self {
            Dimensions::Dim1d { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim1dArray { array_layers, .. } => array_layers,
            Dimensions::Dim2d { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim2dArray { array_layers, .. } => array_layers,
            Dimensions::Dim3d { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Cubemap { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::CubemapArray { array_layers, .. } => array_layers,

    pub fn array_layers_with_cube(&self) -> u32 {
        match *self {
            Dimensions::Dim1d { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim1dArray { array_layers, .. } => array_layers,
            Dimensions::Dim2d { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Dim2dArray { array_layers, .. } => array_layers,
            Dimensions::Dim3d { .. } => 1,
            Dimensions::Cubemap { .. } => 6,
            Dimensions::CubemapArray { array_layers, .. } => array_layers * 6,

    /// Builds the corresponding `ImageDimensions`.
    pub fn to_image_dimensions(&self) -> ImageDimensions {
        match *self {
            Dimensions::Dim1d { width } => {
                ImageDimensions::Dim1d {
                    width: width,
                    array_layers: 1,
            Dimensions::Dim1dArray {
            } => {
                ImageDimensions::Dim1d {
                    width: width,
                    array_layers: array_layers,
            Dimensions::Dim2d { width, height } => {
                ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                    width: width,
                    height: height,
                    array_layers: 1,
                    cubemap_compatible: false,
            Dimensions::Dim2dArray {
            } => {
                ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                    width: width,
                    height: height,
                    array_layers: array_layers,
                    cubemap_compatible: false,
            Dimensions::Dim3d {
            } => {
                ImageDimensions::Dim3d {
                    width: width,
                    height: height,
                    depth: depth,
            Dimensions::Cubemap { size } => {
                ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                    width: size,
                    height: size,
                    array_layers: 6,
                    cubemap_compatible: true,
            Dimensions::CubemapArray { size, array_layers } => {
                ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                    width: size,
                    height: size,
                    array_layers: array_layers * 6,
                    cubemap_compatible: true,

    /// Builds the corresponding `ViewType`.
    pub fn to_view_type(&self) -> ViewType {
        match *self {
            Dimensions::Dim1d { .. } => ViewType::Dim1d,
            Dimensions::Dim1dArray { .. } => ViewType::Dim1dArray,
            Dimensions::Dim2d { .. } => ViewType::Dim2d,
            Dimensions::Dim2dArray { .. } => ViewType::Dim2dArray,
            Dimensions::Dim3d { .. } => ViewType::Dim3d,
            Dimensions::Cubemap { .. } => ViewType::Cubemap,
            Dimensions::CubemapArray { .. } => ViewType::CubemapArray,

    /// Returns the total number of texels for an image of these dimensions.
    pub fn num_texels(&self) -> u32 {
        self.width() * self.height() * self.depth() * self.array_layers_with_cube()

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ViewType {

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ImageDimensions {
    Dim1d { width: u32, array_layers: u32 },
    Dim2d {
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
        array_layers: u32,
        cubemap_compatible: bool,
    Dim3d { width: u32, height: u32, depth: u32 },

impl ImageDimensions {
    pub fn width(&self) -> u32 {
        match *self {
            ImageDimensions::Dim1d { width, .. } => width,
            ImageDimensions::Dim2d { width, .. } => width,
            ImageDimensions::Dim3d { width, .. } => width,

    pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
        match *self {
            ImageDimensions::Dim1d { .. } => 1,
            ImageDimensions::Dim2d { height, .. } => height,
            ImageDimensions::Dim3d { height, .. } => height,

    pub fn width_height(&self) -> [u32; 2] {
        [self.width(), self.height()]

    pub fn depth(&self) -> u32 {
        match *self {
            ImageDimensions::Dim1d { .. } => 1,
            ImageDimensions::Dim2d { .. } => 1,
            ImageDimensions::Dim3d { depth, .. } => depth,

    pub fn width_height_depth(&self) -> [u32; 3] {
        [self.width(), self.height(), self.depth()]

    pub fn array_layers(&self) -> u32 {
        match *self {
            ImageDimensions::Dim1d { array_layers, .. } => array_layers,
            ImageDimensions::Dim2d { array_layers, .. } => array_layers,
            ImageDimensions::Dim3d { .. } => 1,

    /// Returns the total number of texels for an image of these dimensions.
    pub fn num_texels(&self) -> u32 {
        self.width() * self.height() * self.depth() * self.array_layers()

    /// Returns the maximum number of mipmaps for these image dimensions.
    /// The returned value is always at least superior or equal to 1.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use vulkano::image::ImageDimensions;
    /// let dims = ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
    ///     width: 32,
    ///     height: 50,
    ///     cubemap_compatible: false,
    ///     array_layers: 1,
    /// };
    /// assert_eq!(dims.max_mipmaps(), 6);
    /// ```
    pub fn max_mipmaps(&self) -> u32 {
        32 - (self.width() | self.height() | self.depth()).leading_zeros()

    /// Returns the dimensions of the `level`th mipmap level. If `level` is 0, then the dimensions
    /// are left unchanged.
    /// Returns `None` if `level` is superior or equal to `max_mipmaps()`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use vulkano::image::ImageDimensions;
    /// let dims = ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
    ///     width: 963,
    ///     height: 256,
    ///     cubemap_compatible: false,
    ///     array_layers: 1,
    /// };
    /// assert_eq!(dims.mipmap_dimensions(0), Some(dims));
    /// assert_eq!(dims.mipmap_dimensions(1), Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
    ///     width: 481,
    ///     height: 128,
    ///     cubemap_compatible: false,
    ///     array_layers: 1,
    /// }));
    /// assert_eq!(dims.mipmap_dimensions(6), Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
    ///     width: 15,
    ///     height: 4,
    ///     cubemap_compatible: false,
    ///     array_layers: 1,
    /// }));
    /// assert_eq!(dims.mipmap_dimensions(9), Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
    ///     width: 1,
    ///     height: 1,
    ///     cubemap_compatible: false,
    ///     array_layers: 1,
    /// }));
    /// assert_eq!(dims.mipmap_dimensions(11), None);
    /// ```
    /// # Panic
    /// In debug mode, Panics if `width`, `height` or `depth` is equal to 0. In release, returns
    /// an unspecified value.
    pub fn mipmap_dimensions(&self, level: u32) -> Option<ImageDimensions> {
        if level == 0 {
            return Some(*self);

        if level >= self.max_mipmaps() {
            return None;

        Some(match *self {
                 ImageDimensions::Dim1d {
                 } => {
                     debug_assert_ne!(width, 0);
                     ImageDimensions::Dim1d {
                         array_layers: array_layers,
                         width: cmp::max(1, width >> level),

                 ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                 } => {
                     debug_assert_ne!(width, 0);
                     debug_assert_ne!(height, 0);
                     ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                         width: cmp::max(1, width >> level),
                         height: cmp::max(1, height >> level),
                         array_layers: array_layers,
                         cubemap_compatible: cubemap_compatible,

                 ImageDimensions::Dim3d {
                 } => {
                     debug_assert_ne!(width, 0);
                     debug_assert_ne!(height, 0);
                     ImageDimensions::Dim3d {
                         width: cmp::max(1, width >> level),
                         height: cmp::max(1, height >> level),
                         depth: cmp::max(1, depth >> level),

mod tests {
    use image::ImageDimensions;

    fn max_mipmaps() {
        let dims = ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
            width: 2,
            height: 1,
            cubemap_compatible: false,
            array_layers: 1,
        assert_eq!(dims.max_mipmaps(), 2);

        let dims = ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
            width: 2,
            height: 3,
            cubemap_compatible: false,
            array_layers: 1,
        assert_eq!(dims.max_mipmaps(), 2);

        let dims = ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
            width: 512,
            height: 512,
            cubemap_compatible: false,
            array_layers: 1,
        assert_eq!(dims.max_mipmaps(), 10);

    fn mipmap_dimensions() {
        let dims = ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
            width: 283,
            height: 175,
            cubemap_compatible: false,
            array_layers: 1,
        assert_eq!(dims.mipmap_dimensions(0), Some(dims));
                   Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                            width: 141,
                            height: 87,
                            cubemap_compatible: false,
                            array_layers: 1,
                   Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                            width: 70,
                            height: 43,
                            cubemap_compatible: false,
                            array_layers: 1,
                   Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                            width: 35,
                            height: 21,
                            cubemap_compatible: false,
                            array_layers: 1,

                   Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                            width: 17,
                            height: 10,
                            cubemap_compatible: false,
                            array_layers: 1,
                   Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                            width: 8,
                            height: 5,
                            cubemap_compatible: false,
                            array_layers: 1,
                   Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                            width: 4,
                            height: 2,
                            cubemap_compatible: false,
                            array_layers: 1,
                   Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                            width: 2,
                            height: 1,
                            cubemap_compatible: false,
                            array_layers: 1,
                   Some(ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
                            width: 1,
                            height: 1,
                            cubemap_compatible: false,
                            array_layers: 1,
        assert_eq!(dims.mipmap_dimensions(9), None);