vulkano-glfw-v2 0.2.0

Utility functions to use GFLW with Vulkano
extern crate vulkano;
extern crate vk_sys;
extern crate glfw;

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::ptr;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::ffi::CString;

use vulkano::VulkanObject;
use vulkano::instance::{Instance, InstanceExtensions, RawInstanceExtensions, QueueFamily};

use vulkano::swapchain::{Surface};

use glfw::{Window, Context, Glfw};

/// error while creating a GLFW-based surface
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum VulkanoGlfwError {
    /// General GLFW error
    GlfwError{ code: u32 },

impl error::Error for VulkanoGlfwError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            VulkanoGlfwError::GlfwError{..} => "Genral Vulkan GLFW error",
            VulkanoGlfwError::NoExtensions => "Could not load required extensions",

    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn error::Error> {
        match *self {
            _ => None,

impl fmt::Display for VulkanoGlfwError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        write!(fmt, "{}", self)

/// Create a surface from a GLFW window
/// Returns a Result wrapping an Arc managing a Surface<glfw::Window>, or an error
/// # Arguments
/// * `instance` - An Arc managing the Vulkan Instance
/// * `window`   - The window for the surface to be created from
pub fn create_window_surface(instance: Arc<Instance>, window: Window ) -> Result<Arc<Surface<Window>>, VulkanoGlfwError> {
    let internal_instance = instance.as_ref().internal_object();
    let internal_window = window.window_ptr();
    let mut internal_surface: vk_sys::SurfaceKHR = 0;
    let result = unsafe {
        glfw::ffi::glfwCreateWindowSurface(internal_instance, internal_window, ptr::null(), &mut internal_surface as *mut u64 )
    if result != vk_sys::SUCCESS {
        return Err(VulkanoGlfwError::GlfwError { code: result });
    Ok(Arc::new(unsafe {
        Surface::from_raw_surface(instance, internal_surface, window)

/// create InstanceExtensions from required GLFW extensions
/// Returns a Result containing the required instance extensions, or an error
/// # Arguments
/// * `glfw` - the glfw context
pub fn get_required_instance_extensions(glfw: &Glfw) -> Result<InstanceExtensions, VulkanoGlfwError> {
    get_required_raw_instance_extensions(glfw).and_then(|rie| {

/// create RawInstanceExtensions from required GLFW extensions
/// Returns a Result containing the required raw instance extensions, or an error
/// # Arguments
/// * `glfw` - the glfw context
pub fn get_required_raw_instance_extensions(glfw: &Glfw) -> Result<RawInstanceExtensions, VulkanoGlfwError> {
    let exts = glfw.get_required_instance_extensions();
    if exts.is_none() {
        return Err(VulkanoGlfwError::NoExtensions);

    let iter = exts.unwrap().into_iter().map(|s| {
        let new_c_string = CString::new(s);


/// This function returns whether the specified queue family of the specified physical device supports presentation to the platform GLFW was built for.
/// # Arguments
/// * `glfw` - the glfw context
/// * `family` - the Vulkan queue family in question
pub fn get_physical_device_presentation_support(glfw: &Glfw, family: &QueueFamily) -> bool {
    let device = family.physical_device();
    let internal_device = device.internal_object();
    let instance = device.instance();
    let internal_instance = instance.as_ref().internal_object();
    glfw.get_physical_device_presentation_support_raw(internal_instance, internal_device,