Struct vulkan_rs::VkImageCreateInfo [] [src]

pub struct VkImageCreateInfo { pub sType: VkStructureType, pub pNext: *const c_void, pub flags: VkImageCreateFlags, pub imageType: VkImageType, pub format: VkFormat, pub extent: VkExtent3D, pub mipLevels: u32, pub arrayLayers: u32, pub samples: VkSampleCountFlagBits, pub tiling: VkImageTiling, pub usage: VkImageUsageFlags, pub sharingMode: VkSharingMode, pub queueFamilyIndexCount: u32, pub pQueueFamilyIndices: *const u32, pub initialLayout: VkImageLayout, }

Structure specifying the parameters of a newly created image object


the type of this structure

NULL or a pointer to an extension-specific structure

a bitmask describing additional parameters of the image


not a depth/stencil format

a VkExtent3D describing the number of data elements in each dimension of the base level




a VkImageTiling specifying the tiling arrangement of the data elements in memory, as described below

a bitmask describing the intended usage of the image

the sharing mode of the image when it will be accessed by multiple queue families, and must: be one of the values described for VkSharingMode in the <> section below

the number of entries in the pQueueFamilyIndices array

a list of queue families that will access this image (ignored if sharingMode is not VK_SHARING_MODE_CONCURRENT)

Trait Implementations

impl Default for VkImageCreateInfo

Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more