vsmtp-mail-parser 2.0.1-rc.4

Next-gen MTA. Secured, Faster and Greener
 * vSMTP mail transfer agent
 * Copyright (C) 2022 viridIT SAS
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
use crate::helpers::get_mime_type;
use crate::helpers::read_header;
use crate::message::mail::{BodyType, Mail, MailHeaders};
use crate::message::mime_type::{Mime, MimeBodyType, MimeHeader, MimeMultipart};
use crate::{MailParser, RawBody};
use crate::{ParserError, ParserResult};

/// a boundary serves as a delimiter between mime parts in a multipart section.
enum BoundaryType {

/// Instance parsing a message body
pub struct MailMimeParser {
    boundary_stack: Vec<String>,

impl MailParser for MailMimeParser {
    fn parse_sync(&mut self, raw: Vec<Vec<u8>>) -> ParserResult<either::Either<RawBody, Mail>> {
        let ref_raw = raw
            .map(|l| std::str::from_utf8(l).unwrap())
        self.parse_inner(&mut &ref_raw[..]).map(either::Right)

impl MailMimeParser {
    #[tracing::instrument(name = "parsing email", skip_all)]
    fn parse_inner(&mut self, content: &mut &[&str]) -> ParserResult<Mail> {
        let mut headers = MailHeaders(Vec::with_capacity(10));
        let mut mime_headers = Vec::with_capacity(10);

        while !content.is_empty() {
            match read_header(content) {
                Some((name, value)) if is_mime_header(&name) => {
                    // FIXME: should header content be traced ?
                    tracing::trace!("new mime header found: '{name}' => '{value}'",);
                    mime_headers.push(get_mime_header(&name, &value));

                Some((name, value)) => {
                    tracing::trace!("new header found: '{name}' => '{value}'",);
                    headers.0.push((name, value));

                None => {
                    // there is an empty lines after headers
                    *content = &content[1..];

                    if content.is_empty() {
                        return Ok(Mail {
                            body: BodyType::Undefined,

                    tracing::trace!("finished parsing headers, body found.");

                    let has_mime_version = headers.0.iter().any(|(name, _)| name == "mime-version");
                    tracing::trace!("mime-version header found?: {has_mime_version}",);

                    return Ok(Mail {
                        body: if has_mime_version {
                        } else {

            *content = &content[1..];

        Ok(Mail {
            body: BodyType::Undefined,

    fn check_boundary(&self, line: &str) -> Option<BoundaryType> {
        // we start by checking if the stack as any boundary.
        self.boundary_stack.last().and_then(|b| {
            get_boundary_type(line, b).map_or_else(
                || {
                    if self.boundary_stack[..self.boundary_stack.len() - 1]
                        .any(|b| get_boundary_type(line, b).is_some())
                    } else {

    fn as_regular_body(&self, content: &mut &[&str]) -> ParserResult<Vec<String>> {
        let mut body = Vec::with_capacity(100);
        tracing::trace!("storing body of regular message.");

        while !content.is_empty() {
            match self.check_boundary(content[0]) {
                // the current mail ils probably embedded.
                // we can stop parsing the mail and return it.
                Some(BoundaryType::Delimiter | BoundaryType::End) => {
                    tracing::trace!("boundary found in regular message.");
                    *content = &content[1..];
                    return Ok(body);

                Some(BoundaryType::OutOfScope) => {
                    return Err(ParserError::MisplacedBoundary(format!(
                        "'{}' boundary is out of scope.",

                // we just skip the line & push the content in the body.
                None => body.push(content[0].to_string()),
            *content = &content[1..];

        // EOF reached.
        tracing::trace!("EOF reached while storing body of regular message.");

    // TODO: merge with @as_regular_body
    fn parse_regular_mime_body(&self, content: &mut &[&str]) -> ParserResult<Vec<String>> {
        let mut body = Vec::new();

        while !content.is_empty() {
            match self.check_boundary(content[0]) {
                Some(BoundaryType::Delimiter | BoundaryType::End) => {
                    return Ok(body);

                Some(BoundaryType::OutOfScope) => {
                    return Err(ParserError::MisplacedBoundary(format!(
                        "'{}' boundary is out of scope.",

                None => {
                    // we skip the header & body separation line.
                    if !(body.is_empty() && content[0].is_empty()) {
            *content = &content[1..];


    fn as_mime_body(
        &mut self,
        content: &mut &[&str],
        headers: Vec<MimeHeader>,
        parent: Option<&[MimeHeader]>,
    ) -> ParserResult<Mime> {
        match get_mime_type(&headers, parent)? {
            ("message", sub_type) => {
                tracing::trace!("'message' content type found (message/{})", sub_type);
                *content = &content[1..];
                Ok(Mime {
                    content: MimeBodyType::Embedded(self.parse_inner(content)?),
            ("multipart", _) => {
                tracing::trace!("parsing multipart.");
                Ok(Mime {
                    headers: headers.clone(),
                    content: MimeBodyType::Multipart(self.parse_multipart(&headers, content)?),
            (body_type, sub_type) => {
                    "parsing regular mime section of type '{}' and subtype '{}'",
                Ok(Mime {
                    content: MimeBodyType::Regular(self.parse_regular_mime_body(content)?),

    fn parse_mime(
        &mut self,
        content: &mut &[&str],
        parent: Option<&[MimeHeader]>,
    ) -> ParserResult<Mime> {
        let mut headers = Vec::new();

        tracing::trace!("parsing a mime section.");

        while content.len() > 1 {
            if let Some((name, value)) = read_header(content) {
                tracing::trace!("mime-header found: '{}' => '{}'.", name, value);
                headers.push(get_mime_header(&name, &value));
            } else {
                tracing::trace!("finished reading mime headers, body found.");
            *content = &content[1..];

        self.as_mime_body(content, headers, parent)

    fn parse_preamble<'a>(&self, content: &'a mut &[&str]) -> ParserResult<Vec<&'a str>> {
        tracing::trace!("storing preamble for a multipart mime section.");
        let mut preamble = Vec::new();

        while content.len() > 1 {
            match self.check_boundary(content[0]) {
                Some(BoundaryType::Delimiter) => {
                        "delimiter boundary found for multipart, finished storing preamble."
                    return Ok(preamble);
                Some(BoundaryType::End) => {
                    return Err(ParserError::MisplacedBoundary(
                        "their should not be a end boundary in the preamble".to_string(),
                Some(BoundaryType::OutOfScope) => {
                    return Err(ParserError::MisplacedBoundary(format!(
                        "'{}' boundary is out of scope.",
                None => preamble.push(content[0]),

            *content = &content[1..];

            "boundary not found after mime part preamble".to_string(),

    fn parse_epilogue<'a>(&self, content: &'a mut &[&str]) -> ParserResult<Vec<&'a str>> {
        tracing::trace!("storing epilogue for a multipart mime section.");
        let mut epilogue = Vec::new();

        while content.len() > 1 {
            match self.check_boundary(content[0]) {
                // there could be an ending or delimiting boundary,
                // meaning that the next lines will be part of another mime part.
                Some(BoundaryType::Delimiter | BoundaryType::End) => {
                    tracing::trace!("boundary found for multipart, finished storing epilogue.");
                Some(BoundaryType::OutOfScope) => {
                    return Err(ParserError::MisplacedBoundary(format!(
                        "'{}' boundary is out of scope.",
                None => epilogue.push(content[0]),
            *content = &content[1..];


    fn parse_multipart(
        &mut self,
        headers: &[MimeHeader],
        content: &mut &[&str],
    ) -> ParserResult<MimeMultipart> {
        let content_type = headers.iter().find(|h| h.name == "content-type").unwrap();

        match content_type.args.get("boundary") {
            Some(b) => {
                tracing::trace!("boundary found in parameters: '{}'.", b);
            None => {
                return Err(ParserError::BoundaryNotFound(
                    "boundary parameter not found in Content-Type header for a multipart."

        let mut multi_parts = MimeMultipart {
            preamble: self
            parts: Vec::new(),
            epilogue: String::new(),

        while content.len() > 1 {
            match self.check_boundary(content[0]) {
                Some(BoundaryType::Delimiter) => {
                        "delimiter boundary found while parsing multipart: '{}', calling parse_mime.",
                    *content = &content[1..];

                        .push(self.parse_mime(content, Some(headers))?);

                Some(BoundaryType::End) => {
                        "end boundary found while parsing multipart: '{}', stopping multipart parsing.",
                    *content = &content[1..];
                    multi_parts.epilogue = self
                    return Ok(multi_parts);

                Some(BoundaryType::OutOfScope) => {
                    return Err(ParserError::MisplacedBoundary(format!(
                        "'{}' boundary is out of scope.",

                None => {
                    tracing::trace!("EOF reached while parsing multipart.",);
                    return Ok(multi_parts);


fn check_mandatory_headers(headers: &[(String, String)]) -> ParserResult<()> {
    /// rfc822 headers that requires to be specified.
    /// ? does they require ONLY to be at the root message ? (in case of embedded messages)
    const MANDATORY_HEADERS: [&str; 2] = ["from", "date"];

    for mh in MANDATORY_HEADERS {
        if !headers.iter().any(|h| h.0.as_str() == mh) {
            return Err(ParserError::MandatoryHeadersNotFound(mh.to_string()));


/// take the name and value of a header and parses those to create
/// a `MimeHeader` struct.
/// # Arguments
/// * `name` - the name of the header.
/// * `value` - the value of the header (with all params, folded included if any).
pub fn get_mime_header(name: &str, value: &str) -> MimeHeader {
    // cut the current line using the ";" separator into a vector of "arg=value" strings.
    let args = value.split(';').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
    let mut args_iter = args.iter();

    MimeHeader {
        name: name.to_string(),
        value: args_iter.next().unwrap_or(&"").trim().to_lowercase(),

        // split every element of args by the "=" token (if there are any parameters).
        // inserts all resulting key / value pair into new_args.
        args: args_iter
            .filter_map(|arg| {
                let mut split = arg.splitn(2, '=');
                match (split.next(), split.next()) {
                    (Some(key), Some(value)) => Some((key, value)),
                    // no error here, bad arguments are just omitted.
                    _ => None,
            .map(|(key, value)| {
                    match (value.find('"'), value.rfind('"')) {
                        (Some(first), Some(last)) if first < last => &value[first + 1..last],
                        _ => value,
                    // TODO: replace all characters specified in rfc.
                    .replace(&['\"', '\\'][..], ""),
            .collect::<std::collections::HashMap<String, String>>(),

// check rfc2045 p.9. Additional MIME Header Fields.
fn is_mime_header(name: &str) -> bool {

// is used to deduce the boundary type.
// ! this method is called too many times, causing slow downs.
fn get_boundary_type(line: &str, boundary: &str) -> Option<BoundaryType> {
    match (
        // TODO: can be optimized.
        line.starts_with("--") && !line.starts_with(boundary),
        line.ends_with("--") && !line.ends_with(boundary),
    ) {
        (true, false, true) => Some(BoundaryType::Delimiter),
        (true, true, true) => Some(BoundaryType::End),
        _ => None,

mod test {
    use super::*;

    // NOTE: things to consider:
    //       - header folding (does letter does it automatically ?)
    //       - comments (do we need to keep them ?)
    //       - boundaries
    //       -

    /// FIXME: a \n is added between the headers and the body
    fn test_to_raw() {
        let content = vec![
"x-mozilla-status: 0001",
"x-mozilla-status2: 01000000",
"x-mozilla-keys:                                                                                 ",
"fcc: imap://john%40localhost.com@localhost.com/sent",
"x-identity-key: id3",
"x-account-key: account4",
"from: john doe <john@localhost>",
"subject: text content",
"to: john@localhost, green@example.com, foo@example.com, x@x.com",
"message-id: <51734671-2e09-946e-7e3f-ec59b83e82d0@localhost.com>",
"date: tue, 30 nov 2021 20:54:27 +0100",
"x-mozilla-draft-info: internal/draft; vcard=0; receipt=0; dsn=0; uuencode=0;",
" attachmentreminder=0; deliveryformat=1",
"user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (x11; linux x86_64; rv:78.0) gecko/20100101",
" thunderbird/78.14.0",
"mime-version: 1.0",
"content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed",
"content-language: en-us",
"content-transfer-encoding: 7bit",
"je ne suis qu'un contenu de texte."];

        let parsed = MailMimeParser::default()
            .expect("parsing failed");

                let (headers, body) = parsed.to_raw();
                [headers, body].join("\n")
            r#"x-mozilla-status: 0001
x-mozilla-status2: 01000000
fcc: imap://john%40localhost.com@localhost.com/sent
x-identity-key: id3
x-account-key: account4
from: john doe <john@localhost>
subject: text content
to: john@localhost, green@example.com, foo@example.com, x@x.com
message-id: <51734671-2e09-946e-7e3f-ec59b83e82d0@localhost.com>
date: tue, 30 nov 2021 20:54:27 +0100
x-mozilla-draft-info: internal/draft; vcard=0; receipt=0; dsn=0; uuencode=0; attachmentreminder=0; deliveryformat=1
user-agent: mozilla/5.0 gecko/20100101 thunderbird/78.14.0
mime-version: 1.0
content-type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="flowed"
content-language: en-us
content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

je ne suis qu'un contenu de texte."#