vrp-cli 1.19.1

A command line interface for VRP solver
#[path = "../../tests/unit/commands/generate_test.rs"]
mod generate_test;

use super::*;
use std::io::BufReader;
use vrp_cli::extensions::generate::generate_problem;
use vrp_pragmatic::format::problem::{serialize_problem, Problem};
use vrp_pragmatic::format::{CoordIndex, FormatError};
use vrp_pragmatic::validation::ValidationContext;

pub const FORMAT_ARG_NAME: &str = "FORMAT";
pub const PROTOTYPES_ARG_NAME: &str = "prototypes";
pub const OUT_RESULT_ARG_NAME: &str = "out-result";
pub const JOBS_SIZE_ARG_NAME: &str = "jobs-size";
pub const VEHICLES_SIZE_ARG_NAME: &str = "vehicles-size";
pub const LOCATIONS_ARG_NAME: &str = "locations";
pub const AREA_SIZE_ARG_NAME: &str = "area-size";

pub fn get_generate_app() -> Command {
        .about("Provides the way to generate meaningful problems for testing")
        .arg(Arg::new(FORMAT_ARG_NAME).help("Specifies input type").required(true).value_parser(["pragmatic"]).index(1))
                .help("Sets input files which contains a VRP definition prototype")
                .help("Specifies path to the file for result output")
                .help("Specifies path to the file with a list of job locations")
                .help("Amount of jobs in the plan of generated problem")
                .help("Amount of vehicle types in the fleet of generated problem")
                .help("Half side size of job distribution bounding box. Center is calculated using prototype locations")

pub fn run_generate(matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<(), String> {
    match generate_problem_from_args(matches) {
        Ok((problem, input_format)) => {
            let out_result = matches.get_one::<String>(OUT_RESULT_ARG_NAME).map(|path| create_file(path, "out result"));
            let out_buffer = create_write_buffer(out_result);

            match input_format.as_str() {
                "pragmatic" => serialize_problem(out_buffer, &problem)
                    .map_err(|err| format!("cannot serialize as pragmatic problem: '{}'", err)),
                _ => Err(format!("unknown output format: '{}'", input_format)),
        Err(err) => Err(format!("cannot generate problem: '{}'", err)),

fn generate_problem_from_args(matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<(Problem, String), String> {
    let input_format = matches.get_one::<String>(FORMAT_ARG_NAME).unwrap();

    let input_files = matches
        .map(|paths| paths.map(|path| BufReader::new(open_file(path, "input"))).collect::<Vec<_>>());

    let locations_file =
        matches.get_one::<String>(LOCATIONS_ARG_NAME).map(|path| BufReader::new(open_file(path, "locations")));

    let jobs_size = parse_int_value::<usize>(matches, JOBS_SIZE_ARG_NAME, "jobs size")?.unwrap();
    let vehicles_size = parse_int_value::<usize>(matches, VEHICLES_SIZE_ARG_NAME, "vehicles size")?.unwrap();
    let area_size = parse_float_value::<f64>(matches, AREA_SIZE_ARG_NAME, "area size")?;

    generate_problem(input_format, input_files, locations_file, jobs_size, vehicles_size, area_size).and_then(
        |problem| {
            let coord_index = CoordIndex::new(&problem);
            ValidationContext::new(&problem, None, &coord_index)
                .map_err(|errors| {
                        "generated problem has some validation errors:\n{}",
                        FormatError::format_many(errors.as_slice(), "\n")
                .map(|_| (problem, input_format.to_owned()))