vpp-api-transport 0.1.0

fd.io VPP API transport over shared memory and sockets
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This is a Rust library for interfacing with the VPP API.

WARNING: quite likely the interfaces may change. This version is to test things out and encourage the feedback.

The idea is to have entity that implements Read and Write traits, as well as eventually AsRawFd. This should allow to use this in place where you would use a regular socket in your code.


Option 1 - your local development VPP tree at arbitrary location

Define the environment variable VPP_LIB_DIR to point to the folder where the file libvppapiclient.so is located.

Option 2 - VPP client from packagecloud.io:

Setup the repository from https://packagecloud.io/fdio/master or the branch-specific repositories as per instructions, then install the package python3-vpp-api, cargo build will find the library there.


See the src/vpp-api-transport-test.rs, more and better docs will come as we go :-)