vouch 0.2.3

A multi-ecosystem distributed package review system.
vouch-0.2.3 is not a library.


A multi-ecosystem distributed package review system.


Software packages are usually used without review. Who's checked the code? Typically, no one but the author. Vouch is a review system designed to solve this problem.

Vouch evaluates software dependencies using user generated micro-reviews. Even single line reviews become powerful when aggregated!

Getting Started


First, lets setup Vouch. During setup we can optionally specify a git repository URL for publishing reviews.

vouch setup https://github.com/<username>/reviews


(Note: Vouch currently requires VSCode to create reviews.)

Vouch supports multiple ecosystems and is extendable. For now, Python and Javascript support comes built-in. Lets review the NPM Javascript package d3 at version 4.10.0:

vouch review d3 4.10.0


Subscribe to reviews created by other users using the command:

vouch peer add https://github.com/vouch-dev/example-reviews


The sync command pulls new reviews from peers and publishes user generated reviews:

vouch sync


Reviews created using Vouch can be used to evaluate software project dependencies. Vouch extensions can discover ecosystem specific dependency definition files. For example, the Python extension parses Pipfile.lock files.

The check command generates an evaluation report of local project dependencies based on available reviews:

vouch check