vmux 0.0.4

Fuzzy Finder in rust!
vmux-0.0.4 is not a library.

Helper to use vim/neovim as a terminal multiplexer

Demo video:



You will need rust and cargo installed.

Then install the following vim plugin, with a hook to install vmux crate:

Plug 'yazgoo/vmux', {'do': 'cargo install vmux' }

Then add the following to your .zshrc or .bashrc

source ~/.config/nvim/plugged/vmux/plugin/setup_vmux.sh

Or if you want to use vim instead of nvim (you need vim compiled with +clientserver flag) :

source ~/.config/nvim/plugged/vmux/plugin/setup_vmux.sh vim


Run vmux for vmux command usage help Run :help vmux from within vim for more in depth help.


You can detach from the session with ^g

After detaching / or quitting vim, you will be prompted, via sk to:

  • switch session
  • create a new session
  • exit


session name

You can define a custom way to setup a new session via ~/.config/vmux/hooks/session_name.sh The script just needs to print environment variables of the form (env command will do that):


it takes the session name as argument.

For example, this script will print the content of envrc and set working directory to ~/dev/$1

[ -e "$mydir"/.envrc ] && cat "$mydir"/.envrc
echo PWD="$mydir"

list sessions names

You can define a list of new session names via ~/.config/vmux/hooks/list_sessions_names.sh The script just needs to output session names one by line.

For example, this script will list all directories names in ~/dev

find -L ~/dev -maxdepth 1 -type d | while read d; do basename $d; done


You can put images which will be used as wallpapers inside ~/.config/vmux/wallpapers/.


Having a nice tabbar (based on Caagr98/c98tabbar.vim):

Plug 'git@github.com:yazgoo/c98tabbar.vim'
Plug 'yazgoo/vmux-c98tabbar'

Leave terminal insert mode by typing escap twice:

tnoremap <Esc><Esc> <C-\><C-n>

detailed setup notes

start docker container

docker run -it --entrypoint bash rust