vmsavedstatedump_rs 0.1.0

Rust abstractions of VmSavedStateDumpProvider Windows 10 SDK API.
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This crate provides safe Rust abstractions to VmSavedStateDumpProvider.


To be able to run code that consumes these APIs, vmsavedstatedumpprovider.dll must be discoverable from within the executables/binary runtime.

When using these APIs, the main entry point is to create a VmSavedStateDumpProvider by supplying path(s) to bin/vsv - vmrs VM saved state file(s).

let vmrs_provider = VmSavedStateDumpProvider::load_vmrs("file_path.vmrs");
let bin_vsv_provider = VmSavedStateDumpProvider::load_bin_vsv("file_path.bin", "file_path.vsv");

Once a provider has been instantiated, all of its related APIs can be used in the context of a loaded VM saved state file.

The best source of code examples on how to use the APIs are the integration tests, found here.