vmprotect 0.1.0

Unofficial VMProtect SDK for Rust
# vmprotect
WIP VMProtect SDK for rust

# Features
## Basic VMProtect features:
### `protected!` macro for code

use vmprotect::protected;

protected!("NAME"; TYPE [KEY]; {/*CODE*/})
- NAME: Which name will be displayed in VMProtect GUI
- TYPE: Protection type (mutate/virtualize/ultra per VMProtect docs)
- [KEY]: For virtualize/ultra only, require licenze activation to get this function to work
- CODE: Your code goes here

Protected code block is works like any other rust block, i.e:

use vmprotect::protected;

// Before protection
let a = {2+3};
// After protection
let a = protected!("Addiction"; virtualize false; {2+3});

#![feature(test)] // For black_box support

use vmprotect::protected;
use std::hint::black_box;

fn main() {
    // Blackboxes here is to not inline the math
    let a = black_box(2);
    let b = black_box(3);
    println!("{} + {} = {}", a, b, protected!("Adding"; ultra false; {
        a + b
### `protected!` macro for texts

use vmprotect::protected;

protected!(TYPE "TEXT")
- TYPE: Text type, possible values: A (for normal c strings)/W (for uint16_t c strings (Used i.e in windows))
- TEXT: Your text, should be supported by your selected text type

This macro returns string, which can be transformed to normal one. This string is freed when dropped, implementations is located at `vmprotect::strings::{encrypted_a::EncryptedStringA, encrypted_w::EncryptedStringW}`

use vmprotect::protected;

// Before protection
let a = "Hello, world!";
// After protection
let a = protected!(A; "Hello, world!");
// Also for wide-strings:
let a = protected!(W; "Привет, мир!");

#![feature(type_ascription)] // For `.into(): T` syntax support

use vmprotect::protected;

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, {:?}!", protected!(A; "%Username%").into(): String);

## Licensing:
TODO Section
### HWID
println!("Your hwid is \"{}\"", vmprotect::licensing::get_hwid().to_str().unwrap());