vm-memory 0.14.1

Safe abstractions for accessing the VM physical memory
# Changelog

## Upcoming version

### Added
### Changed
### Fixed
### Removed
### Deprecated

## [v0.14.1]

### Fixed
- [[#279]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/279] Remove restriction from `read_volatile_from` and `write_volatile_into`
  that made it copy data it chunks of 4096.

## [v0.14.0]

### Added
- [[#266]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/266] Derive `Debug` for several
  types that were missing it.

### Changed
- [[#274]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/274] Drop `Default` as requirement for `ByteValued`.

## [v0.13.1]

### Added

- [[#256]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/256] Implement `WriteVolatile`
  for `std::io::Stdout`.
- [[#256]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/256] Implement `WriteVolatile`
  for `std::vec::Vec`.
- [[#256]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/256] Implement `WriteVolatile`
  for `Cursor<&mut [u8]>`.
- [[#256]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/256] Implement `ReadVolatile`
  for `Cursor<T: AsRef[u8]>`.

## [v0.13.0]

### Added
- [[#247]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/247 Add `ReadVolatile` and
  `WriteVolatile` traits which are equivalents of `Read`/`Write` with volatile
  access semantics.

### Changed

- [[#247]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/247 Deprecate
  `Bytes::{read_from, read_exact_from, write_to, write_all_to}`. Instead use
  `ReadVolatile`/`WriteVolatile`, which do not incur the performance penalty
  of copying to hypervisor memory due to `Read`/`Write` being incompatible
  with volatile semantics (see also #217).

## [v0.12.2]

### Fixed
- [[#251]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/251: Inserted checks
  that verify that the value returned by `VolatileMemory::get_slice` is of
  the correct length.

### Deprecated
- [[#244]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/241 Deprecate volatile
  memory's `as_ptr()` interfaces. The new interfaces to be used instead are:
  `ptr_guard()` and `ptr_guard_mut()`.

## [v0.12.1]

### Fixed
- [[#241]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/245 mmap_xen: Don't drop
  the FileOffset while in use #245

## [v0.12.0]

### Added
- [[#241]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/241 Add Xen memory
  mapping support: Foreign and Grant. Add new API for accessing pointers to
  volatile slices, as `as_ptr()` can't be used with Xen's Grant mapping.
- [[#237]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/237 Implement `ByteValued` for `i/u128`.

## [v0.11.0]

### Added
- [[#216]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/216 Add `GuestRegionMmap::from_region`.

### Fixed
- [[#217]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/217 Fix vm-memory internally
  taking rust-style slices to guest memory in ways that could potentially cause 
  undefined behavior. Removes/deprecates various `as_slice`/`as_slice_mut` methods
  whose usage violated rust's aliasing rules, as well as an unsound 
  `impl<'a> VolatileMemory for &'a mut [u8]`.

## [v0.10.0]

### Changed
- [[#208]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/208 Updated
  vmm-sys-util dependency to v0.11.0
- [[#203]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/203 Switched to Rust
  edition 2021.

## [v0.9.0]

### Fixed

- [[#195]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/195:
  `mmap::check_file_offset` is doing the correct size validation for block and
  char devices as well.

### Changed

- [[#198]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/198: atomic: enable 64
  bit atomics on ppc64le and s390x.
- [[#200]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/200: docs: enable all
  features in `docs.rs`.
- [[#199]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/199: Update the way
  the dependencies are pulled such that we don't end up with incompatible

## [v0.8.0]

### Fixed

- [[#190]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/190:
  `VolatileSlice::read/write` when input slice is empty.

## [v0.7.0]

### Changed

- [[#176]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/176: Relax the trait
  bounds of `Bytes` auto impl for `T: GuestMemory`
- [[#178]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/178:
  `MmapRegion::build_raw` no longer requires that the length of the region is a
  multiple of the page size.

## [v0.6.0]

### Added

  - [[#160]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/160: Add `ArcRef` and `AtomicBitmapArc` bitmap
    backend implementations.
  - [[#149]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/149: Implement builder for MmapRegion.
  - [[#140]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/140: Add dirty bitmap tracking abstractions. 

### Deprecated 

  - [[#133]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/8: Deprecate `GuestMemory::with_regions()`,
   `GuestMemory::with_regions_mut()`, `GuestMemory::map_and_fold()`.

## [v0.5.0]

### Added

- [[#8]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/8: Add GuestMemory method to return an Iterator
- [[#120]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/120: Add is_hugetlbfs() to GuestMemoryRegion
- [[#126]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/126: Add VolatileSlice::split_at()
- [[#128]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/128: Add VolatileSlice::subslice()

## [v0.4.0]

### Fixed

- [[#100]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/100: Performance
  degradation after fixing [#95]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/95.
- [[#122]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/122: atomic,
  Cargo.toml: Update for arc-swap 1.0.0.

## [v0.3.0]

### Added

- [[#109]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/109: Added `build_raw` to
  `MmapRegion` which can be used to operate on externally created mappings.
- [[#101]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/101: Added `check_range` for
  GuestMemory which could be used to validate a range of guest memory.
- [[#115]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/pull/115: Add methods for atomic
  access to `Bytes`.

### Fixed

- [[#93]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/93: DoS issue when using
  virtio with rust-vmm/vm-memory.
- [[#106]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/106: Asserts trigger
  on zero-length access.  

### Removed

- `integer-atomics` is no longer a distinct feature of the crate.

## [v0.2.0]

### Added

- [[#76]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/76: Added `get_slice` and
  `as_volatile_slice` to `GuestMemoryRegion`.
- [[#82]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/82: Added `Clone` bound
  for `GuestAddressSpace::T`, the return value of `GuestAddressSpace::memory()`.
- [[#88]]https://github.com/rust-vmm/vm-memory/issues/88: Added `as_bytes` for
  `ByteValued` which can be used for reading into POD structures from
  raw bytes.

## [v0.1.0]

### Added

- Added traits for working with VM memory.
- Added a mmap based implemention for the Guest Memory.