vkopt-message-parser 0.3.0

A streaming parser for VkOpt .html chat message dumps
# VkOpt Message Parser


Tested on Rust 1.39.

## CLI Example

Extracting texts from users `id1` and `id2` from a chat dump:

cargo run --release --example cli -- -o messages.txt --only-include-names=id1,id2 -- messages.html

To see all available options, run:

cargo run --release --example cli -- --help

## API Example

See `examples/cli.rs`.

## Changelog

### 0.3.0

Added new events for reading message attachments:
* `AttachmentExtracted { kind, url, vk_obj, description }` — raised after extracting a generic attachment
* `WallPartExtracted` — raised after extracting the text of the wall post from the preceding
`AttachmentExtracted` event (if `kind == Wall`)
* `RawAttachmentPartExtracted` — raised after extracting the body of an attachment encoded in JSON, e.g. a _poll_.

### 0.2.0

* Forwarded messages are now correctly parsed
* The current nesting level is reported for each message:
this can be used to reconstruct forwarded message chains or skip forwarded messages altogether
* Minor performance improvements

### 0.1.0

Initial release