vkcargo 0.45.1

Fork of Cargo, a package manager for Rust. This fork is for testing of vojtechkral's changes and is temporary.
//! Tests for public/private dependencies.

use cargo_test_support::registry::Package;
use cargo_test_support::{is_nightly, project};

fn exported_priv_warning() {
    if !is_nightly() {
    Package::new("priv_dep", "0.1.0")
        .file("src/lib.rs", "pub struct FromPriv;")

    let p = project()
            cargo-features = ["public-dependency"]

            name = "foo"
            version = "0.0.1"

            priv_dep = "0.1.0"
            extern crate priv_dep;
            pub fn use_priv(_: priv_dep::FromPriv) {}

    p.cargo("build --message-format=short")
[UPDATING] `[..]` index
[DOWNLOADING] crates ...
[DOWNLOADED] priv_dep v0.1.0 ([..])
[COMPILING] priv_dep v0.1.0
[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
src/lib.rs:3:13: warning: type `priv_dep::FromPriv` from private dependency 'priv_dep' in public interface
[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]

fn exported_pub_dep() {
    if !is_nightly() {
    Package::new("pub_dep", "0.1.0")
        .file("src/lib.rs", "pub struct FromPub;")

    let p = project()
            cargo-features = ["public-dependency"]

            name = "foo"
            version = "0.0.1"

            pub_dep = {version = "0.1.0", public = true}
            extern crate pub_dep;
            pub fn use_pub(_: pub_dep::FromPub) {}

    p.cargo("build --message-format=short")
[UPDATING] `[..]` index
[DOWNLOADING] crates ...
[DOWNLOADED] pub_dep v0.1.0 ([..])
[COMPILING] pub_dep v0.1.0
[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]

pub fn requires_nightly_cargo() {
    let p = project()
            cargo-features = ["public-dependency"]
        .file("src/lib.rs", "")

    p.cargo("build --message-format=short")
error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  the cargo feature `public-dependency` requires a nightly version of Cargo, but this is the `stable` channel
See https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/appendix-07-nightly-rust.html for more information about Rust release channels.

fn requires_feature() {
    Package::new("pub_dep", "0.1.0")
        .file("src/lib.rs", "")

    let p = project()

            name = "foo"
            version = "0.0.1"

            pub_dep = { version = "0.1.0", public = true }
        .file("src/lib.rs", "")

    p.cargo("build --message-format=short")
error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  feature `public-dependency` is required

consider adding `cargo-features = [\"public-dependency\"]` to the manifest

fn pub_dev_dependency() {
    Package::new("pub_dep", "0.1.0")
        .file("src/lib.rs", "pub struct FromPub;")

    let p = project()
            cargo-features = ["public-dependency"]

            name = "foo"
            version = "0.0.1"

            pub_dep = {version = "0.1.0", public = true}
            extern crate pub_dep;
            pub fn use_pub(_: pub_dep::FromPub) {}

    p.cargo("build --message-format=short")
error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]`

Caused by:
  'public' specifier can only be used on regular dependencies, not Development dependencies