vkcargo 0.45.1

Fork of Cargo, a package manager for Rust. This fork is for testing of vojtechkral's changes and is temporary.
use cargo::core::features;
use cargo::{self, CliResult, Config};
use clap::{AppSettings, Arg, ArgMatches};

use super::commands;
use super::list_commands;
use crate::command_prelude::*;

pub fn main(config: &mut Config) -> CliResult {
    // CAUTION: Be careful with using `config` until it is configured below.
    // In general, try to avoid loading config values unless necessary (like
    // the [alias] table).
    let args = match cli().get_matches_safe() {
        Ok(args) => args,
        Err(e) => {
            if e.kind == clap::ErrorKind::UnrecognizedSubcommand {
                // An unrecognized subcommand might be an external subcommand.
                let cmd = &e.info.as_ref().unwrap()[0].to_owned();
                return super::execute_external_subcommand(config, cmd, &[cmd, "--help"])
                    .map_err(|_| e.into());
            } else {
                return Err(e.into());

    if args.value_of("unstable-features") == Some("help") {
Available unstable (nightly-only) flags:

    -Z avoid-dev-deps   -- Avoid installing dev-dependencies if possible
    -Z minimal-versions -- Install minimal dependency versions instead of maximum
    -Z no-index-update  -- Do not update the registry, avoids a network request for benchmarking
    -Z unstable-options -- Allow the usage of unstable options
    -Z timings          -- Display concurrency information
    -Z doctest-xcompile -- Compile and run doctests for non-host target using runner config
    -Z crate-versions   -- Add crate versions to generated docs

Run with 'cargo -Z [FLAG] [SUBCOMMAND]'"
        if !features::nightly_features_allowed() {
                "\nUnstable flags are only available on the nightly channel \
                 of Cargo, but this is the `{}` channel.\n\
            "\nSee https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/cargo/reference/unstable.html \
             for more information about these flags."
        return Ok(());

    let is_verbose = args.occurrences_of("verbose") > 0;
    if args.is_present("version") {
        let version = get_version_string(is_verbose);
        print!("{}", version);
        return Ok(());

    if let Some(code) = args.value_of("explain") {
        let mut procss = config.load_global_rustc(None)?.process();
        return Ok(());

    if args.is_present("list") {
        println!("Installed Commands:");
        for command in list_commands(config) {
            match command {
                CommandInfo::BuiltIn { name, about } => {
                    let summary = about.unwrap_or_default();
                    let summary = summary.lines().next().unwrap_or(&summary); // display only the first line
                    println!("    {:<20} {}", name, summary)
                CommandInfo::External { name, path } => {
                    if is_verbose {
                        println!("    {:<20} {}", name, path.display())
                    } else {
                        println!("    {}", name)
        return Ok(());

    // Global args need to be extracted before expanding aliases because the
    // clap code for extracting a subcommand discards global options
    // (appearing before the subcommand).
    let (expanded_args, global_args) = expand_aliases(config, args)?;
    let (cmd, subcommand_args) = match expanded_args.subcommand() {
        (cmd, Some(args)) => (cmd, args),
        _ => {
            // No subcommand provided.
            return Ok(());
    config_configure(config, &expanded_args, subcommand_args, global_args)?;

    execute_subcommand(config, cmd, subcommand_args)

pub fn get_version_string(is_verbose: bool) -> String {
    let version = cargo::version();
    let mut version_string = version.to_string();
    if is_verbose {
            "release: {}.{}.{}\n",
            version.major, version.minor, version.patch
        if let Some(ref cfg) = version.cfg_info {
            if let Some(ref ci) = cfg.commit_info {
                version_string.push_str(&format!("commit-hash: {}\n", ci.commit_hash));
                version_string.push_str(&format!("commit-date: {}\n", ci.commit_date));

fn expand_aliases(
    config: &mut Config,
    args: ArgMatches<'static>,
) -> Result<(ArgMatches<'static>, GlobalArgs), CliError> {
    if let (cmd, Some(args)) = args.subcommand() {
        match (
            super::aliased_command(config, cmd)?,
        ) {
            (Some(_), Some(_)) => {
                // User alias conflicts with a built-in subcommand
                    "user-defined alias `{}` is ignored, because it is shadowed by a built-in command",
            (_, Some(mut alias)) => {
                        .map(|s| s.to_string()),
                // new_args strips out everything before the subcommand, so
                // capture those global options now.
                // Note that an alias to an external command will not receive
                // these arguments. That may be confusing, but such is life.
                let global_args = GlobalArgs::new(args);
                let new_args = cli()
                let (expanded_args, _) = expand_aliases(config, new_args)?;
                return Ok((expanded_args, global_args));
            (_, None) => {}

    Ok((args, GlobalArgs::default()))

fn config_configure(
    config: &mut Config,
    args: &ArgMatches<'_>,
    subcommand_args: &ArgMatches<'_>,
    global_args: GlobalArgs,
) -> CliResult {
    let arg_target_dir = &subcommand_args.value_of_path("target-dir", config);
    let verbose = global_args.verbose + args.occurrences_of("verbose") as u32;
    // quiet is unusual because it is redefined in some subcommands in order
    // to provide custom help text.
    let quiet =
        args.is_present("quiet") || subcommand_args.is_present("quiet") || global_args.quiet;
    let global_color = global_args.color; // Extract so it can take reference.
    let color = args.value_of("color").or_else(|| global_color.as_deref());
    let frozen = args.is_present("frozen") || global_args.frozen;
    let locked = args.is_present("locked") || global_args.locked;
    let offline = args.is_present("offline") || global_args.offline;
    let mut unstable_flags = global_args.unstable_flags;
    if let Some(values) = args.values_of("unstable-features") {
        unstable_flags.extend(values.map(|s| s.to_string()));
    let mut config_args = global_args.config_args;
    if let Some(values) = args.values_of("config") {
        config_args.extend(values.map(|s| s.to_string()));

fn execute_subcommand(
    config: &mut Config,
    cmd: &str,
    subcommand_args: &ArgMatches<'_>,
) -> CliResult {
    if let Some(exec) = commands::builtin_exec(cmd) {
        return exec(config, subcommand_args);

    let mut ext_args: Vec<&str> = vec![cmd];
    super::execute_external_subcommand(config, cmd, &ext_args)

struct GlobalArgs {
    verbose: u32,
    quiet: bool,
    color: Option<String>,
    frozen: bool,
    locked: bool,
    offline: bool,
    unstable_flags: Vec<String>,
    config_args: Vec<String>,

impl GlobalArgs {
    fn new(args: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> GlobalArgs {
        GlobalArgs {
            verbose: args.occurrences_of("verbose") as u32,
            quiet: args.is_present("quiet"),
            color: args.value_of("color").map(|s| s.to_string()),
            frozen: args.is_present("frozen"),
            locked: args.is_present("locked"),
            offline: args.is_present("offline"),
            unstable_flags: args
            config_args: args
                .map(|s| s.to_string())

fn cli() -> App {
Rust's package manager



Some common cargo commands are (see all commands with --list):
    build       Compile the current package
    check       Analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files
    clean       Remove the target directory
    doc         Build this package's and its dependencies' documentation
    new         Create a new cargo package
    init        Create a new cargo package in an existing directory
    run         Run a binary or example of the local package
    test        Run the tests
    bench       Run the benchmarks
    update      Update dependencies listed in Cargo.lock
    search      Search registry for crates
    publish     Package and upload this package to the registry
    install     Install a Rust binary. Default location is $HOME/.cargo/bin
    uninstall   Uninstall a Rust binary

See 'cargo help <command>' for more information on a specific command.\n",
        .arg(opt("version", "Print version info and exit").short("V"))
        .arg(opt("list", "List installed commands"))
        .arg(opt("explain", "Run `rustc --explain CODE`").value_name("CODE"))
                "Use verbose output (-vv very verbose/build.rs output)",
        .arg(opt("quiet", "No output printed to stdout").short("q"))
            opt("color", "Coloring: auto, always, never")
        .arg(opt("frozen", "Require Cargo.lock and cache are up to date").global(true))
        .arg(opt("locked", "Require Cargo.lock is up to date").global(true))
        .arg(opt("offline", "Run without accessing the network").global(true))
            multi_opt("config", "KEY=VALUE", "Override a configuration value")
                .help("Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for details")