vjoy-sys 0.4.1

Rust bindings to vJoy - a virtual input device driver for Windows
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## vjoy-sys

Rust bindings to [vJoy](https://sourceforge.net/projects/vjoystick/files/Beta%202.x/ via bindgen.
Built against version

## About vJoy

vJoy simulates up to 16 input devices with up to 128 buttons, 8 axes, and 4 hat switches (4-way or continuous).
The virtual devices can be used to 
1) Emulate gamepads/joysticks for older games that require a specific kind of input.
2) Combine multiple physical devices into one virtual.
3) Apply transformations from a physical device to a virtual device (e.g. 2-button to axis rebind, software filtering etc.).

## Usage

The [vJoy driver](https://sourceforge.net/projects/vjoystick/files/Beta%202.x/ version needs to be installed and is only available for Windows.

The vJoy shared library is loaded at runtime via libloading. See the [sanity test](tests/test.rs) for specifics.

## Updating bindings

For a new version of vJoy, the header files in /vjoy have be replaced and may have to be modified (e.g. redefine typedefs, insert "enum" keyword, remove unused includes etc.) to work with bindgen - as of this verison the original C headers resulted in various bindgen errors during build.