Crate viz

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Fast, robust, flexible, lightweight web framework for Rust.

🦀 Features

  • Safety #![forbid(unsafe_code)]

  • Lightweight

  • Robust Routing

  • Flexible + Simple Handler & Middleware

  • Easy use Extractors


use std::net::SocketAddr;
use viz::{get, Body, Request, Result, Router, Server, ServiceMaker};

async fn index(_: Request<Body>) -> Result<&'static str> {
    Ok("Hello, World!")

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
    println!("listening on {}", addr);

    let app = Router::new().route("/", get(index));

    if let Err(err) = Server::bind(&addr)
        println!("{}", err);



pub use viz_handlers as handlers;



HTTP header types

Typed HTTP Headers

tlsrustls or native-tls


A stream of Bytes, used when receiving bodies.

A cheaply cloneable and sliceable chunk of contiguous memory.

A unique reference to a contiguous slice of memory.

The Request Method (VERB)

A path tree.

Responder with extractor

A listening HTTP server that accepts connections in both HTTP1 and HTTP2 by default.

An HTTP status code (status-code in RFC 7230 et al.).



A handler with extractors

A future represents an asynchronous computation obtained by use of async.

Composable request handlers.

An extension trait for Handlers that provides a variety of convenient combinator functions.


Adapt a Stream of incoming connections into an Accept.

Appends a route, with handler by any HTTP verbs.

Appends a route, handle HTTP verb CONNECT.

Appends a route, handle HTTP verb DELETE.

Appends a route, handle HTTP verb GET.

Appends a route, handle HTTP verb HEAD.

Appends a route, with a HTTP verb and handler.

Appends a route, handle HTTP verb OPTIONS.

Appends a route, handle HTTP verb PATCH.

Appends a route, handle HTTP verb POST.

Appends a route, handle HTTP verb PUT.

Appends a route, handle HTTP verb TRACE.

Type Definitions

Attribute Macros

Derive Macros