visual-odometry-rs 0.1.0

Visual odometry in Rust (vors)
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//! Types and functions to implement an inverse compositional tracking algorithm.
//! Implementation of "Lucas-kanade 20 years on: A unifying framework"
//! in the inverse compositional case.
//! The warping function is parameterized by the Lie Algebra of twists se(3).

use itertools::izip;
use nalgebra::DMatrix;

use crate::core::{
    candidates::coarse_to_fine as candidates,
    inverse_depth::{self, InverseDepth},
    track::lm_optimizer::{self, LMOptimizerState},
use crate::math::optimizer::State as _;
use crate::misc::helper;
use crate::misc::type_aliases::{Float, Iso3, Mat6, Point2, Vec6};

/// Type alias to easily spot vectors that are indexed over multi-resolution levels.
pub type Levels<T> = Vec<T>;

/// Struct used for tracking the camera at each frame.
/// Can only be constructed by initialization from a `Config`.
pub struct Tracker {
    config: Config,
    state: State,

/// Configuration of the Tracker.
pub struct Config {
    /// Number of levels in the multi-resolution pyramids of images.
    pub nb_levels: usize,
    /// Threshold for the candidates selection algorithm.
    pub candidates_diff_threshold: u16,
    /// Scale of the depth 16 bit images.
    /// This is 5000.0 for the TUM RGB-D dataset.
    pub depth_scale: Float,
    /// Camera intrinsic parameters.
    pub intrinsics: Intrinsics,
    /// Default variance of the inverse depth values coming from the depth map.
    pub idepth_variance: Float,

/// Internal state of the tracker.
struct State {
    keyframe_multires_data: MultiresData,
    keyframe_depth_timestamp: f64,
    keyframe_img_timestamp: f64,
    keyframe_pose: Iso3,
    current_frame_depth_timestamp: f64,
    current_frame_img_timestamp: f64,
    current_frame_pose: Iso3,

/// Mostly multi-resolution data related to the frame.
struct MultiresData {
    intrinsics_multires: Levels<Intrinsics>,
    img_multires: Levels<DMatrix<u8>>,
    usable_candidates_multires: Levels<(Vec<(usize, usize)>, Vec<Float>)>,
    jacobians_multires: Levels<Vec<Vec6>>,
    hessians_multires: Levels<Vec<Mat6>>,

impl Config {
    /// Initialize a tracker with the first RGB-D frame.
    pub fn init(
        keyframe_depth_timestamp: f64,
        depth_map: &DMatrix<u16>,
        keyframe_img_timestamp: f64,
        img: DMatrix<u8>,
    ) -> Tracker {
        // Precompute multi-resolution first frame data.
        let intrinsics_multires = self.intrinsics.clone().multi_res(self.nb_levels);
        let img_multires = multires::mean_pyramid(self.nb_levels, img);
        let keyframe_multires_data =
            precompute_multires_data(&self, depth_map, intrinsics_multires, img_multires);

        // Regroup everything under the returned Tracker.
        Tracker {
            state: State {
                keyframe_pose: Iso3::identity(),
                current_frame_depth_timestamp: keyframe_depth_timestamp,
                current_frame_img_timestamp: keyframe_img_timestamp,
                current_frame_pose: Iso3::identity(),
            config: self,
} // impl Config

/// Precompute the multi-resolution data of a frame.
fn precompute_multires_data(
    config: &Config,
    depth_map: &DMatrix<u16>,
    intrinsics_multires: Levels<Intrinsics>,
    img_multires: Levels<DMatrix<u8>>,
) -> MultiresData {
    // Precompute multi-resolution of keyframe gradients.
    let mut gradients_multires = multires::gradients_xy(&img_multires);
    gradients_multires.insert(0, gradient::centered(&img_multires[0]));
    let gradients_squared_norm_multires: Vec<_> = gradients_multires
        .map(|(gx, gy)| gradient::squared_norm(gx, gy))

    // Precompute mask of candidate points for tracking.
    let candidates_points = candidates::select(

    // Only keep the "usable" points, i.e. those with a known depth information.
    let from_depth = |z| inverse_depth::from_depth(config.depth_scale, z, config.idepth_variance);
    let idepth_candidates = helper::zip_mask_map(
    let fuse = |a, b, c, d| inverse_depth::fuse(a, b, c, d, inverse_depth::strategy_dso_mean);
    let idepth_multires = multires::limited_sequence(config.nb_levels, idepth_candidates, |m| {
        multires::halve(m, fuse)
    let usable_candidates_multires: Levels<_> = idepth_multires.iter().map(extract_z).collect();

    // Precompute the Jacobians.
    let jacobians_multires: Levels<Vec<Vec6>> = izip!(
    .map(|(intrinsics, (coord, _z), (gx, gy))| warp_jacobians(intrinsics, coord, _z, gx, gy))

    // Precompute the Hessians.
    let hessians_multires: Levels<_> = jacobians_multires.iter().map(hessians_vec).collect();

    // Regroup everything under a MultiresData.
    MultiresData {

impl Tracker {
    /// Track a new frame.
    /// Internally mutates the tracker state.
    /// You can use `tracker.current_frame()` after tracking to retrieve the new frame pose.
    pub fn track(
        &mut self,
        depth_time: f64,
        depth_map: &DMatrix<u16>,
        img_time: f64,
        img: DMatrix<u8>,
    ) {
        let mut lm_model = self.state.current_frame_pose.inverse() * self.state.keyframe_pose;
        let img_multires = multires::mean_pyramid(self.config.nb_levels, img);
        let keyframe_data = &self.state.keyframe_multires_data;
        let mut optimization_went_well = true;
        for lvl in (0..self.config.nb_levels).rev() {
            let obs = lm_optimizer::Obs {
                intrinsics: &keyframe_data.intrinsics_multires[lvl],
                template: &keyframe_data.img_multires[lvl],
                image: &img_multires[lvl],
                coordinates: &keyframe_data.usable_candidates_multires[lvl].0,
                _z_candidates: &keyframe_data.usable_candidates_multires[lvl].1,
                jacobians: &keyframe_data.jacobians_multires[lvl],
                hessians: &keyframe_data.hessians_multires[lvl],
            match LMOptimizerState::iterative_solve(&obs, lm_model) {
                Ok((lm_state, _)) => {
                    lm_model = lm_state.eval_data.model;
                Err(err) => {
                    eprintln!("{}", err);
                    optimization_went_well = false;

        // Update current frame info in tracker.
        self.state.current_frame_depth_timestamp = depth_time;
        self.state.current_frame_img_timestamp = img_time;
        if optimization_went_well {
            self.state.current_frame_pose = self.state.keyframe_pose * lm_model.inverse();

        // Check if we need to change the keyframe.
        let (coordinates, _z_candidates) = keyframe_data.usable_candidates_multires.last().unwrap();
        let intrinsics = keyframe_data.intrinsics_multires.last().unwrap();
        let optical_flow_sum: Float = _z_candidates
            .map(|(&_z, &(x, y))| {
                let (u, v) = warp(&lm_model, x as Float, y as Float, _z, intrinsics);
                (x as Float - u).abs() + (y as Float - v).abs()
        let optical_flow = optical_flow_sum / _z_candidates.len() as Float;
        eprintln!("Optical_flow: {}", optical_flow);

        let change_keyframe = optical_flow >= 1.0;

        // In case of keyframe change, update all keyframe info with current frame.
        if change_keyframe {
            let delta_time = depth_time - self.state.keyframe_depth_timestamp;
            eprintln!("Changing keyframe after: {} seconds", delta_time);
            self.state.keyframe_multires_data = precompute_multires_data(
            self.state.keyframe_depth_timestamp = depth_time;
            self.state.keyframe_img_timestamp = img_time;
            self.state.keyframe_pose = self.state.current_frame_pose;
    } // track

    /// Retrieve the current frame timestamp (of depth image) and pose.
    pub fn current_frame(&self) -> (f64, Iso3) {
} // impl Tracker

// Helper ######################################################################

// fn angle(uq: UnitQuaternion<Float>) -> Float {
//     let w = uq.into_inner().scalar();
//     2.0 * uq.into_inner().vector().norm().atan2(w)
// }

/// Extract known inverse depth values (and coordinates) into vectorized data.
fn extract_z(idepth_mat: &DMatrix<InverseDepth>) -> (Vec<(usize, usize)>, Vec<Float>) {
    let mut u = 0;
    let mut v = 0;
    // TODO: can allocating with a known max size improve performances?
    let mut coordinates = Vec::new();
    let mut _z_vec = Vec::new();
    let (nb_rows, _) = idepth_mat.shape();
    for idepth in idepth_mat.iter() {
        if let InverseDepth::WithVariance(_z, _) = *idepth {
            coordinates.push((u, v));
        v += 1;
        if v >= nb_rows {
            u += 1;
            v = 0;
    (coordinates, _z_vec)

/// Precompute jacobians for each candidate.
fn warp_jacobians(
    intrinsics: &Intrinsics,
    coordinates: &[(usize, usize)],
    _z_candidates: &[Float],
    grad_x: &DMatrix<i16>,
    grad_y: &DMatrix<i16>,
) -> Vec<Vec6> {
    // Bind intrinsics to shorter names
    let (cu, cv) = intrinsics.principal_point;
    let (fu, fv) = intrinsics.focal;
    let s = intrinsics.skew;

    // Iterate on inverse depth candidates
        .map(|(&(u, v), &_z)| {
            let gu = Float::from(grad_x[(v, u)]);
            let gv = Float::from(grad_y[(v, u)]);
            warp_jacobian_at(gu, gv, u as Float, v as Float, _z, cu, cv, fu, fv, s)

/// Jacobian of the warping function for the inverse compositional algorithm.
fn warp_jacobian_at(
    gu: Float,
    gv: Float,
    u: Float,
    v: Float,
    _z: Float,
    cu: Float,
    cv: Float,
    fu: Float,
    fv: Float,
    s: Float,
) -> Vec6 {
    // Intermediate computations
    let a = u - cu;
    let b = v - cv;
    let c = a * fv - s * b;
    let _fv = 1.0 / fv;
    let _fuv = 1.0 / (fu * fv);

    // Jacobian of the warp
        gu * _z * fu,                                       //
        _z * (gu * s + gv * fv),                            //  linear velocity terms
        -_z * (gu * a + gv * b),                            //  ___
        gu * (-a * b * _fv - s) + gv * (-b * b * _fv - fv), //
        gu * (a * c * _fuv + fu) + gv * (b * c * _fuv),     //  angular velocity terms
        gu * (-fu * fu * b + s * c) * _fuv + gv * (c / fu), //

/// Compute hessians components for each candidate point.
#[allow(clippy::ptr_arg)] // TODO: Applying clippy lint here results in compilation error.
fn hessians_vec(jacobians: &Vec<Vec6>) -> Vec<Mat6> {
    // TODO: might be better to inline this within the function computing the jacobians.
    jacobians.iter().map(|j| j * j.transpose()).collect()

/// Warp a point from an image to another by a given rigid body motion.
fn warp(model: &Iso3, x: Float, y: Float, _z: Float, intrinsics: &Intrinsics) -> (Float, Float) {
    // TODO: maybe move into the camera module?
    let x1 = intrinsics.back_project(Point2::new(x, y), 1.0 / _z);
    let x2 = model * x1;
    let uvz2 = intrinsics.project(x2);
    (uvz2.x / uvz2.z, uvz2.y / uvz2.z)