visdom 0.5.9

A html document syntax and operation library, use APIs similar to jquery, easy to use for web scraping and confused html.

use crate::mesdoc::constants::{NAME_SELECTOR_ATTR, PRIORITY_ATTR_SELECTOR};
use crate::mesdoc::interface::IAttrValue;
use crate::mesdoc::selector::rule::Matcher;
use crate::mesdoc::selector::rule::{RuleDefItem, RuleItem};
use crate::mesdoc::selector::MatchedQueue;
pub fn init(rules: &mut Vec<RuleItem>) {
	let rule = RuleDefItem(
		Box::new(|data: MatchedQueue| {
			let def_mode = String::from("");
			let attr_key = data[2].chars.iter().collect::<String>();
			let value_data = &data[4].data;
			let attr_value = value_data
				.or_else(|| value_data.get("3"))
				.or_else(|| value_data.get("4"))
				.map(|s| s.clone());
			let match_mode = value_data.get("1").unwrap_or(&def_mode);
			let handle: Box<dyn Fn(&Option<IAttrValue>) -> bool> = if let Some(attr_value) = attr_value {
				let match_mode = match_mode.as_str();
				if attr_value.is_empty() && !matches!(match_mode, "" | "!" | "|") {
					// empty attribute value, ^$*
					Box::new(|_val: &Option<IAttrValue>| false)
				} else {
					match match_mode {
						// begin with value
						"^" => Box::new(move |val: &Option<IAttrValue>| match val {
							Some(IAttrValue::Value(v, _)) => v.starts_with(&attr_value),
							_ => false,
						// end with value
						"$" => Box::new(move |val: &Option<IAttrValue>| match val {
							Some(IAttrValue::Value(v, _)) => v.ends_with(&attr_value),
							_ => false,
						// contains value
						"*" => Box::new(move |val: &Option<IAttrValue>| match val {
							Some(IAttrValue::Value(v, _)) => v.contains(&attr_value),
							_ => false,
						// either equal to value or start with `value` and followed `-`
						"|" => Box::new(move |val: &Option<IAttrValue>| match val {
							Some(IAttrValue::Value(v, _)) => {
								if *v == attr_value {
									return true;
								let attr_value: String = format!("{}-", attr_value);
							_ => attr_value.is_empty(),
						// in a value list that splitted by whitespaces
						"~" => Box::new(move |val: &Option<IAttrValue>| match val {
							Some(IAttrValue::Value(v, _)) => {
								let split_v = v.split_ascii_whitespace();
								for v in split_v {
									if v == attr_value {
										return true;
							_ => false,
						// has a attribute and who's value not equal to setted value
						"!" => Box::new(move |val: &Option<IAttrValue>| match val {
							Some(IAttrValue::Value(v, _)) => attr_value != *v,
							_ => !attr_value.is_empty(),
						// equal to value
						_ => Box::new(move |val: &Option<IAttrValue>| match val {
							Some(IAttrValue::Value(v, _)) => *v == attr_value,
							_ => attr_value.is_empty(),
			} else {
				// has the attribute name
				Box::new(|val: &Option<IAttrValue>| val.is_some())
			Matcher {
				one_handle: Some(Box::new(move |ele, _| {
					let val = ele.get_attribute(&attr_key);