visdom 0.4.5

A html document syntax and operation library, use APIs similar to jquery, easy to use for web scraping and confused html.


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It's not only helpful for the working with web scraping, but also supported useful apis to operate text nodes, so you can use it to mix your html with dirty html fragement to keep away from web scrapers too. :sparkling_heart:

Performance Comparison

Run in my Macbook Pro:

:computer: CPU: 2.4 GHz / 4 Cores / Intel Core i5 & Memory: 8 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3

Run 200 Times / Avg Time

HTML Fragement Operation Find Nodes Node14.15.3 cheerio(1.0.0-rc.5) Golang1.15.5 goquery(v1.6.1) rust1.50.0visdom(0.4.0)
About 370,000 characters Load Html 34ms 2.4ms 3.42ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000 <li id='target'></li></ul> ID Selector: find("#target") 1 28ms 0.062ms 0.006ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000 <li class='target'></li></ul> Class Selector: find(".target") 1 26ms 0.062ms 0.046ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500 </dl> Name Selector: find("dt") 1500 25ms 0.243ms 0.436ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd contenteditable></dd>) * 1500 </dl> Attr Selector: find(" [contenteditable]") 1500 26ms 0.266ms 0.434ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> Prev: dt + prev("dd") 1499 3.8ms 0.228ms 0.406ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> PrevAll: dt + prevAll("dd") 1499 1180ms 76.6ms 1.046ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> Next: dt + next("dd") 1500 3.9ms 0.237ms 0.411ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> NextAll: dt + nextAll("dd") 1500 2322ms 81.1ms 1.075ms
<ul>(<li></li><li>a</li>) * 1500</ul> Pseudo: children(":empty") 1500 3.9ms 0.356ms 0.504ms
<ul>(<li></li><li>a</li>) * 1500</ul> Pseudo: children(":contains('a')") 1500 4.1ms 0.591ms 1.074ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul> Pseudo: children(":first-child") 1 0.25ms 0.342ms 0.026ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul> Pseudo: children(":last-child") 1 0.25ms 0.344ms 0.026ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> Pseudo: children(":first-of-type") 2 0.4ms 0.353ms 0.690ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> Pseudo: children(":last-of-type") 2 0.4ms 0.354ms 0.620ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul> NthChilds: children(":nth-child(2n),:nth-child(3n),:nth-child(5n)") 2200 144ms 28.7ms 4.308ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul> NthChild: children(":nth-child(10)") 1 79ms 0.377ms 0.031ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul> NthChild: children(":nth-child(2n + 5)") 1498 81ms 15.9ms 0.598ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul> NthLastChilds: children(":nth-last-child(2n),:nth-last-child(3n),:nth-last-child(5n)") 2200 145ms 59.5ms 4.237ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul> NthLastChild: children(":nth-last-child(10)") 1 75ms 0.378ms 0.032ms
<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul> NthLastChild: children(":nth-last-child(2n + 5)") 1498 81ms 32.5ms 0.581ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> NthOfTypes: children(":nth-of-type(2n),:nth-of-type(3n)") 2000 288ms 34.4ms 4.873ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> NthOfType: children(":nth-of-type(10)") 1 186ms 0.646ms 0.681ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> NthOfType: children(":nth-of-type(2n + 5)") 1496 189ms 23.1ms 1.714ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> NthLastOfTypes: children(":nth-last-of-type(2n),:nth-last-of-type(3n)") 2000 282ms 68.4ms 4.704ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> NthLastOfType: children(":nth-last-of-type(10)") 1 179ms 0.60ms 0.694ms
<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl> NthLastOfType: children(":nth-last-of-type(2n + 5)") 1496 188ms 45.7ms 1.730ms


Questions & Advices & Bugs?

Welcome to report Issue to us if you have any question or bug or good advice.


MIT License.