visdom 0.4.3

A html document syntax and operation library, use APIs similar to jquery, easy to use for web scraping and confused html.
<h1 align="center">


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:house: A server-side html document syntax and operation library written in Rust, using apis similar to [jQuery](, left off the parts thoes only worked in the browser(e.g. render and event related methods).

It's not only helpful for the working with web scraping, but also supported useful apis to operate `text` nodes, so you can use it to mix your html with dirty html fragement to keep away from web scrapers too. :sparkling_heart: 


## Performance Comparison

Run in my Macbook Pro:

:computer: CPU: 2.4 GHz / 4 Cores / Intel Core i5 & Memory: 8 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3

Run 200 Times / Avg Time

| HTML Fragement                                        | Operation                                                                              | Find Nodes | Node14.15.3 <br> cheerio(1.0.0-rc.5) | Golang1.15.5 <br> goquery(v1.6.1)  | rust1.50.0<br>visdom(0.4.0) |
| About 370,000 characters                              | Load Html                                                                              |            | 34ms                              | 2.4ms                           | 3.42ms                   |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000 <li id='target'></li></ul>`     | ID Selector: find("#target")                                                           | 1          | 28ms                              | 0.062ms                         | 0.006ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000 <li class='target'></li></ul>`  | Class Selector: find(".target")                                                        | 1          | 26ms                              | 0.062ms                         | 0.046ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500 </dl>`                 | Name Selector: find("dt")                                                              | 1500       | 25ms                              | 0.243ms                         | 0.436ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd contenteditable></dd>) * 1500 </dl>` | Attr Selector: find(" [contenteditable]")                                              | 1500       | 26ms                              | 0.266ms                         | 0.434ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | Prev: dt + prev("dd")                                                                  | 1499       | 3.8ms                             | 0.228ms                         | 0.406ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | PrevAll: dt + prevAll("dd")                                                            | 1499       | 1180ms                            | 76.6ms                          | 1.046ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | Next: dt + next("dd")                                                                  | 1500       | 3.9ms                             | 0.237ms                         | 0.411ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | NextAll: dt + nextAll("dd")                                                            | 1500       | 2322ms                            | 81.1ms                          | 1.075ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li><li>a</li>) * 1500</ul>`                 | Pseudo: children(":empty")                                                             | 1500       | 3.9ms                             | 0.356ms                         | 0.504ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li><li>a</li>) * 1500</ul>`                 | Pseudo: children(":contains('a')")                                                     | 1500       | 4.1ms                             | 0.591ms                         | 1.074ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul>`                           | Pseudo: children(":first-child")                                                       | 1          | 0.25ms                            | 0.342ms                         | 0.026ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul>`                           | Pseudo: children(":last-child")                                                        | 1          | 0.25ms                            | 0.344ms                         | 0.026ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | Pseudo: children(":first-of-type")                                                     | 2          | 0.4ms                             | 0.353ms                         | 0.690ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | Pseudo: children(":last-of-type")                                                      | 2          | 0.4ms                             | 0.354ms                         | 0.620ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul>`                           | NthChilds: children(":nth-child(2n),:nth-child(3n),:nth-child(5n)")                    | 2200       | 144ms                             | 28.7ms                          | 4.308ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul>`                           | NthChild:  children(":nth-child(10)")                                                  | 1          | 79ms                              | 0.377ms                         | 0.031ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul>`                           | NthChild: children(":nth-child(2n + 5)")                                               | 1498       | 81ms                              | 15.9ms                          | 0.598ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul>`                           | NthLastChilds: children(":nth-last-child(2n),:nth-last-child(3n),:nth-last-child(5n)") | 2200       | 145ms                             | 59.5ms                          | 4.237ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul>`                           | NthLastChild: children(":nth-last-child(10)")                                          | 1          | 75ms                              | 0.378ms                         | 0.032ms                  |
| `<ul>(<li></li>) * 3000</ul>`                           | NthLastChild: children(":nth-last-child(2n + 5)")                                      | 1498       | 81ms                              | 32.5ms                          | 0.581ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | NthOfTypes: children(":nth-of-type(2n),:nth-of-type(3n)")                              | 2000       | 288ms                             | 34.4ms                          | 4.873ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | NthOfType: children(":nth-of-type(10)")                                                | 1          | 186ms                             | 0.646ms                         | 0.681ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | NthOfType:  children(":nth-of-type(2n + 5)")                                           | 1496       | 189ms                             | 23.1ms                          | 1.714ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | NthLastOfTypes: children(":nth-last-of-type(2n),:nth-last-of-type(3n)")                | 2000       | 282ms                             | 68.4ms                          | 4.704ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | NthLastOfType: children(":nth-last-of-type(10)")                                       | 1          | 179ms                             | 0.60ms                          | 0.694ms                  |
| `<dl>(<dt></dt><dd></dd>) * 1500</dl>`                  | NthLastOfType: children(":nth-last-of-type(2n + 5)")                                   | 1496       | 188ms                             | 45.7ms                          | 1.730ms                  |

## Depedencies

- Html Parser:[]
- Html Entity encode and decode:[]

## Questions & Advices & Bugs?

Welcome to report [Issue]( to us if you have any question or bug or good advice.

## License

[MIT License](./LICENSE).