visa-rs 0.3.0

Safe rust bindings for VISA(Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) library


Safe rust bindings for VISA(Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) library

Most documentation comes from NI-VISA Product Documentation


This crate needs to link to an installed visa library, for example, NI-VISA.

You can specify path of visa64.lib file (or visa32.lib on 32-bit systems) by setting environment variable LIB_VISA_PATH.

On Windows, the default installation path will be added if no path is specified.


    use std::ffi::CString;
    use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Read, Write};
    use visa_rs::{flags::AccessMode, DefaultRM, TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE};
    let rm = DefaultRM::new()?; //open default resource manager
    let expr = CString::new("?*KEYSIGH?*INSTR").unwrap().into(); //expr used to match resource name
    let rsc = rm.find_res(&expr)?; // find the first resource matched
    let mut instr =, AccessMode::NO_LOCK, TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE)?; //open a session to resource
    instr.write_all(b"*IDN?\n").unwrap(); //write message
    let mut buf_reader = BufReader::new(instr);
    let mut buf = String::new();
    buf_reader.read_line(&mut buf).unwrap(); //read response
    eprintln!("{}", buf);

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