vimwiki 0.1.0-alpha.4

Library that provides support to parse, generate, and manipulate vimwiki langauge.


This crate represents the language definition and parsing support for the vimwiki language. This has been broken out to be a shareable crate for others to build on top of the vimwiki language and write their own tooling.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

vimwiki = "0.1.0-alpha.3"


use vimwiki::{Language, elements::*};

// Load some language as a string
let language = Language::from_vimwiki_str(r#"
= My Header =
Some paragraph with *decorations* and [[links]] that you would normally
see in a vimwiki file.

// Parse the input as a page using vimwiki format
let page: Page = language.parse().unwrap();


By default, no features are enable, but the following are offered:

  • location: If specified, all elements parsed will automatically have their line and column information encoded in the Region of Located<...>. This is particularly expensive and is therefore gated behind a feature. This operation can always be done manually on a region-by-region basis.
  • timekeeper: If specified, all parser logic runs through a statically-allocated HashMap that logs the time taken to parse various elements and can print out results in a human-readable format. This is predominately useful for performance optimizations internally.


This project is licensed under either of

Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or apache-license) MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or mit-license) at your option.