viewstamped-replication 0.9.0

A Rust-based implementation of the Viewstamped Replication consensus protocol.
name = "viewstamped-replication"
description = "A Rust-based implementation of the Viewstamped Replication consensus protocol."
version = "0.9.0"
authors = ["Miguel D. Salcedo <>"]
edition = "2021"
license = "Apache-2.0"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
documentation = ""

lto = true
debug = true

default = []

clap = { version = "4.4.7", features = ["color", "derive"] }
log = "0.4.21"
env_logger = "0.11.3"
tokio = { version = "1.36.0", features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread", "sync", "time"] }

bytes = "1.5.0"
rand = "0.8.5"
serde = { version = "1.0.196", features = ["derive"] }
uuid = { version = "1.6.1", features = ["v4"] }