viewit 0.1.5

Attribute and derive macros for creating accessors for struct.

ViewIt contains a derive macro and a attribute macro to help you avoid writing boilerplate code. See introduction for more details.


By default, fields of a struct in Rust are private, but add visibility for the fields one by one is annoying, so the viewit attribute macro will help you do such things.

Without viewit:

pub struct Foo {
  pub f1: u8,
  pub f2: u16,
  pub f3: String,
  pub f4: Vec<u8>

With viewit:

use viewit::viewit;

pub struct Foo {
  f1: u8,
  f2: u16,
  f3: String,
  f4: Vec<u8>

By default, viewit will use the struct's visibility for each field, and the expand code is equal to the below.

pub struct Foo {
    pub f1: u8,
    pub f2: u16,
    pub f3: String,
    pub f4: Vec<u8>,
impl Foo {
    pub fn f1(&self) -> &u8 {
    pub fn f2(&self) -> &u16 {
    pub fn f3(&self) -> &String {
    pub fn f4(&self) -> &Vec<u8> {
    pub fn set_f1(mut self, val: u8) -> Self {
        self.f1 = val;
    pub fn set_f2(mut self, val: u16) -> Self {
        self.f2 = val;
    pub fn set_f3(mut self, val: String) -> Self {
        self.f3 = val;
    pub fn set_f4(mut self, val: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        self.f4 = val;

Advance Usages

viewit have mutliple useful configs to help you generate what you want flexibly.

use viewit::viewit;

struct FromString {
  src: String,

impl From<&String> for FromString {
  fn from(src: &String) -> Self {
    Self { src: src.clone() }

fn vec_to_string(src: &[u8]) -> String {

  // set this, then this visibility will be applied to the fields
  vis_all = "pub(crate)",
  // this will not generate setters
    // change the prefix for all setters
    prefix = "with",
    // change the setters fn style, available values here are ref, into, tryinto or move
    style = "ref",
    // if you do not want to generate getters, you can use skip
    // skip, 
    // change the prefix for all getters
    prefix = "get",
    // change the getters fn style, available values here are ref and move
    style = "ref",
    // if you do not want to generate getters, you can use skip
    // skip,
  // print the generated code to std out, other available values here are: stderr or "path/to/output/file"
  debug = "stdout"
struct Foo {
      style = "move",
      rename = "get_first_field",
      vis = "pub" // we can custom field getter
      skip, // we do not want the setter for the field, then we skip it.
  f1: u8,
      skip, // we do not want the getter for the field, then we skip it
  f2: u16,

        // sometimes we may want to convert the f4 field to a generic type
        type = "T",
          style = "ref", // take the ownership of the field
          fn = "T::from", // the fn used to do the conversion
        // set the trait bound
        bound = "T: for<'a> From<&'a String>"
  f3: String,

        // we want to convert the f3 field to String
        type = "String",
          style = "ref", // take the reference of the field
          fn = "vec_to_string" // the fn used to do the conversion
  f4: Vec<u8>,

viewit will help you to generate the code:

struct Foo {
    pub(crate) f1: u8,
    pub(crate) f2: u16,
    pub(crate) f3: String,
    pub(crate) f4: Vec<u8>,
impl Foo {
    pub fn get_first_field(&self) -> u8 {
    pub(crate) fn get_f3<T: for<'a> From<&'a String>>(&self) -> T {
    pub(crate) fn get_f4(&self) -> String {
    pub(crate) fn with_f2(&mut self, val: u16) {
        self.f2 = val;
    pub(crate) fn with_f3(&mut self, val: String) {
        self.f3 = val;
    pub(crate) fn with_f4(&mut self, val: Vec<u8>) {
        self.f4 = val;
